“I don’t know, Cosette. Maybe just…you know…magic.”

Cosette laughed, and it sounded a little too much like Van’s with a hint of evil cackle mixed in. She was enjoying his horror a little too much.

“I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m not going back with him.” Chris started marching to the house. “I’m staying with you guys tonight.”

The fey seemed to find this whole thing hilarious, but I was with Chris. I would need to think long and hard before I agreed to travel with Van again. I mean—I didn’t see or hear anything, but just knowing where I’d been—

I shuddered. It creeped me out.

“Hey,” a familiar voice said.

I turned to my brother. He was so much bigger than before—so much muscle—and he seemed taller. It was the werewolf effect, but he was still my brother. “Nice man bun.”

“Shut up. Not you, too.” He hugged me. “You’re so thin it’s scaring me. You need food before you see Mom and Dad. They’re going to flip.”

I patted his back. “I’m okay, and I’ll get better fast. Promise.”

He pulled back, and I saw tears in his eyes. “Don’t you ever do anything like that for me again. I’m so fucking mad at you right now. And I’m going to yell at you, but…after you eat. When you don’t look like you’re ready to fall over.”

I couldn’t help it. I started to laugh, and I couldn’t stop. It was just so nice to be back.

I’d wanted time alone with Dastien, but it looked like I might have a house full of friends and family for a bit first. At least until I could get them on their way in a less Hell-ish way.

Dastien pulled me into his arms. Welcome home.

I guess it’s good you made the house so big because it sounds like they’re all staying with us tonight.

I guess so, but it’s not that big once you get used to it.

It’s a freaking hotel, Dastien. A hotel.

His laugh echoed through our bond as he lifted me up, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, my legs around his waist. My stomach growled, and he pressed a kiss against my neck.

Let’s get you some food.

Oh man. You’re going to annoy me about the food, aren’t you?

Yes. And you’re going to take it without any whining.

I breathed in his scent, and the last of the empty feeling in my soul disappeared. I would take it, I would take whatever he’d give me. And then I would ask for more.

Because if I was right, then I just bought us some serious quiet time.

And I was going to enjoy every second of it.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


Two Months Later

* * *

After our showdown at the Lunar Court, it took a few days for everyone to clear out, my brother included. Axel figured Dastien and I needed a little alone time, and he was right.

People stopped by to hang out a lot, and Sunday dinners were back on at my parents’ house. They made a ton of food, and whoever was around would show up—usually at least us, my brother, and Mr. Dawson. But for the most part, it’d been two months of relaxing, lazing, and spending time with Dastien.

Also, the house was amazing. Dastien said he’d used my binder as inspiration, and he wasn’t kidding. Some of the rooms looked exactly like the images from pages I’d ripped from magazines. I couldn’t have done a better job if I’d been here. And it was probably better that I wasn’t here. I would’ve been an anxious pain in the butt—going back and forth about tiles and paint colors and wood finishes. But now it was done, and I just got to enjoy it.