“How much can that cost?” Chris asked.

“Apparently, just shy of twenty bucks.”

“How much are you sending her?” Cosette asked.

“The reward I set up for anyone who found Tessa.” Also known as a lot of money. I’d been desperate, and I had my inheritance. Which was sizable.

The phone rang, and I picked it up.

“There were way too many zeros in that transfer. I’ll take out what my Uber is and send you back—”


She was quiet. “What? I don’t understand. I told you I only needed $19.47. That’s the round trip fare. I checked the pricing from the address you sent. Why would you—”

“Want me to send more?” Because I was happy to send her the $19.47 in addition to what I’d already sent.

“No. Damn it. I don’t need your money or your handout. I told you. Money’s tight. I don’t have a car. If you’re in a rush, then the bus is out. I need to be repaid for the Uber. That’s it. I’ll send the rest back—”

“Don’t.” I cut her off. This wasn’t something that I was arguing about. “It’s not a handout. That was the reward I set up for finding Tessa. You found her. You earned it. I’m sorry I didn’t pay you when you first called me. I just didn’t think about it until…I just didn’t think about it.”

She was quiet for a while. “I didn’t do it for a reward.”

“I know.” I knew she hadn’t been expecting anything but the twenty bucks.

“But I didn’t do anything to find her. Eli set the whole thing up.”

“I’m aware, but I’m not sending him money. He doesn’t need it. You do. So, take it. He probably wants you to have it.”

She was quiet again. “You might have just changed my life.”

“You saved mine when you found her.” It wasn’t a lie. “Are you coming?”

“Yeah.” She sounded a little dazed for a second. “Uber just pulled up.” Her voice was stronger now. “Be there in ten.”

“Don’t use the buzzer. I’m sending Chris to wait for you. She’s asleep in my lap, and I don’t want to wake her up. I just need you to look at her. Something’s happening with the spell that’s on her. It’s probably a good sign, but something feels off.”

“Okay. Don’t panic. If I can’t figure it out, I’m sure Claudia will know something.”

“We’ll keep her in the loop. See you soon.” I hung up and looked at Cosette.

“I’m texting Claudia now. I don’t want to call Van if I don’t have to. Georgine said he was…busy at court. But I will if we need him.”

Cosette texted back and forth with Claudia, Chris paced for five minutes before leaving, and I sat there holding on to Tessa.

I tried not to get too excited or scared. I didn’t know why the spell to hide Tessa was thinning, but I was pretty sure that my being around her was helping. Assuming that the spell thinning was a good thing.

Also, the food probably helped her. She ate a lot, and her color was better. So, that had to mean all of this was good.

It sounded like Tessa might not have done much other than school. Which meant she must’ve spent a lot of time in the apartment. Being out of that apartment had to be helping, too.

And hopefully, she hadn’t taken those pills since she got home from the hospital. Even if she had, she’d been at my apartment for a few hours before she fell asleep. Which meant her next dose was late. And the five she was supposed to take tonight weren’t happening.

I stared at Cosette, and she stopped texting for a second to look at me.

“Are you still texting Claudia?” I asked.

“No. Everyone. I stupidly texted the whole group. I thought if I was texting Claudia, I might as well let everyone know.” Her phone buzzed, and she let out a frustrated sigh. “And now Axel’s texting. He wants to come tonight. I’m trying to tell him that his wolf can’t handle it, but he’s not taking no.”