“What’s the population?” I looked at him.

“Right now, I don’t know. A few years ago, I think around ten thousand—maybe a little more—but that’s a guess. It’s not like I was in any position to really take a census or anything.” He winked at me, and I knew he was making light of his position, but every time he joked about his past—I saw him in that pit.

I smiled at him anyway, because that was what he wanted, and turned back to the town, hoping to hide my sadness and anger from him. It didn’t do any good to dwell on it, but I hoped one day we could both move past it. “It looks like maybe people moved away.”

“Maybe,” he said, quietly. Probably lost in his own thoughts just as much as I had been.

“Still, the Main Street area is a decent size. This could be really good. Revitalizing it could be fun.” I bet I knew a fey or two that would love to reopen the boutiques.

“You think so?” There was a thread of uncertainty in his voice that I worried about.

“Yeah. I think it’s great to do something with what you’ve been given. Turn it into something good. I think it could be just what you need to heal the rest of the way.”

“What about you? Would you like it?” Chris grabbed my hand.

I loved the feeling of his hand wrapping over mine. I was pretty sure it’d never get old. “I think so. I’ve never done anything like that before, but I know I’m tired of being my mother’s spy. Something new, something good sounds really fun to me.” But something was bothering me. “I never thought that you’d want to come back here. It really took me by surprise. What changed?”

“You know, I never wanted to come back here. Never planned on it. I’d pretty much blocked this place from my mind, so I really surprised myself when I told Van to bring us here. Something inside me just…it just popped in and the words came out before I could stop myself. But it felt right. And I think I’m glad we came.”

Something popping into his head? Making Chris say something he didn’t intend?

No. No. That wasn’t right. I knew Chris didn’t want to come here, and I hadn’t said anything.

This wasn’t his idea. It had to have been Eli. I would’ve felt it if there had been any manipulation from his lunar tie.

But why did Eli want us to come here? What was the point?

I didn’t know, and with Eli, I wouldn’t until something slapped us in the face. I didn’t trust the archon, but I wasn’t sure being here was a bad thing. Chris needed to know he was good. Before he gave up everything, I wanted him to know that his wolf wasn’t terrible. I couldn’t believe I was possibly agreeing with Eli…

The more I thought about his idea for the land, the more I liked it. “I’m glad we came back. I’m really glad I’m with you.”

“Especially since I carried you.”

I grinned at him. “It was a nice nap. I guess I do that a lot.”

He looked down at me. “What, nap?”

I shook my head. “Sleep in your arms.”

“Oh, you don’t ever have to worry about that. I don’t mind at all. Although, let’s keep the poison-induced sleep to a minimum, okay?”

I gave his arm a light slap. “Fine by me.”

“This way. Smells like the chicken fried place is still open for business.”

That was going to be all meat. Not exactly my speed. “Great. I’ll have the mashed potatoes.”

“We’ll have to get them to make some vegetarian friendly stuff here.”

If he was smelling a restaurant that meant that there were people here. It wasn’t as abandoned as it looked. “Do you think the people will know who you are?”

“I don’t know. Probably not. I don’t even know where to start with all of this, but I’ll figure it out.” He smiled at me. “I’m just glad that this is a possibility.”

“What? Having a sanctuary?”

“No!” He put his arm around my shoulders, and pulled me close to his side. “Us. We’ll figure out the rest, but I was so worried about you yesterday. Eli told me you were in danger, and now you’re here. And while we might’ve had a little fighting, we’re okay. Maybe I’m jinxing us—”

“Yes.” I nudged him. “Probably.”