Rayvien nodded toward Cosette. “But this will be hardest for her.”

“And for me?” I asked.

“It will be most painful for you.” She looked at me then, the smoke in her eyes darke

ned and swirled. “And that’s all I’ll say.”

“Okay.” I wasn’t afraid of a little pain. I’d experienced a lot, and I was still alive. “Tell us where the bargain is.”

“I’ll tell you. But if everything comes up roses for all of us, then I want something in return.”

“No.” Cosette’s voice was sharp and she stopped her pacing to stand in front of us. “If it all goes well, then your freedom will be your reward. You’ll get nothing else from either of us.”

I stood and put a hand on Cosette’s shoulder to stop her from ruining this. I had no idea what had happened between her and Rayvien, but it didn’t matter. My wolf couldn’t strike out in anger here and neither could Cosette. This was our only viable option.

“What do you want?” I asked Rayvien.

“A favor.”

“I can’t promise you anything.” Cosette’s voice grew high with outrage. “My queen—”

“Not from you, Cosette. From Van.”

“He doesn’t make bargains.” We’d literally just been over this, but Rayvien hadn’t been there for it.

“Ask him. Call him here.”

“Fine.” Cosette sighed and crossed her arms. “Van. I have need.” She whispered the words, and I didn’t understand how Van was supposed to hear her.

A minute later, there was a soft knock on the door before it opened, revealing Van. “Yes?”

“She will tell us what we want, but only if she has a favor from you.”

Van looked at her, and even not really knowing much about the fey, I knew enough to be afraid. “Oh. Is that right?” The words had a rumbling undertone that stank with the spice of dark magic.

I rose to stand next to Cosette, watching her head guard closely.

I was seeing Van in a whole new way. A god and now this? I couldn’t guess what his powers were or what he’d been worshiped for, but seeing him like this made me glad that he was on my mate’s team. I hoped that meant I’d never have to fight him, because I was pretty sure I’d lose.

“I want…” Rayvien swallowed, and I was pretty sure I wasn’t the only one affected by his magic. “I want to see my brother. Will you take me to him?”

The anger was gone from Van’s eyes, and all that was left was pity. “He’s gone, Rayvien.”

Van sat next to her, and both Cosette and I stepped away to give them a little bit of privacy.

“You cannot follow him there as you are now. Unless you’d like me to change that for you, too?”

Her lightly tanned face paled a few shades and then some. “No. Not that. I just…” She swallowed again. “I need to know that he’s okay.”

“He’s not. Not where he went.”

Hell. I could read between the lines enough to understand that much.

And now I had even more questions about this court and what had happened here.

Rayvien’s bottom lip trembled once, twice, and then she bit it hard enough that I could smell copper in the air. “Are you…sure?”

Van nodded. “I am very sure. I wish I could tell you that everyone we loved went to a good place, but after what he did here… There is only one place for him to go.”