I gestured to the bodies beyond the door. “Then you’ve never had contro

l. Just as I said before.”

“Careful.” Ziriel’s tone carried the promise of violence soon if I said anything more than that.

I hated that he had me cornered on this one. “Three attempts. How long have we been here Van?”

“Four hours,” Van said. “Two of which you were sleeping.”

It seemed quick, but when I really thought about it, I wasn’t sure I expected anything different from Gales. “Four hours, Ziriel. Which means it’s time for me to go.”

“So that’s it?” Asheral frowned at me, as if he were disappointed. “You’re leaving?”

For a second, I thought he seemed sad to see me go, but that wasn’t quite right. He’d been as distracted as I was when we were having tea. “You didn’t really want me, did you?”

“I wouldn’t say I wasn’t intrigued by the idea, but I’m not necessarily looking to marry either. I think there might have been more than curiosity for me if it hadn’t been for your wolf.” He looked at Chris. “Good luck. You’ll have your hands full if even her own guards aren’t trustworthy.”

“I don’t think she needs my help.” Chris moved a little closer to me.

“No,” Ziriel said. “No, she certainly doesn’t.”

“I, Christopher, and my guards will be gone within the hour. I need to make plans to our next destination.”

“Good.” The breath Ziriel took told me he was relieved we were leaving. I’d cost him more than these three lives since I showed up.

I guessed in Ziriel’s eyes I was a terrible guest.

“I’ll leave these guards outside the door.” He motioned to the three he brought with him. “For all the good they’ll do.”

“Maybe they can fight with my guards. Do me the favor of weeding out some traitors?”

“I have a feeling you’ll be back.” The gleam in Ziriel’s eyes was full of mischief. But then he hadn’t been relieved we were leaving. It was something else. But what?

Before I could think too hard about it, Ziriel puffed out—his son went with him—and I was left with a feeling of unease. “He knows too much. We’re being played. Again.”

“I know,” Van said. “But to what end?”

“I don’t know.” I thought this was all about finding me a husband or about breaking Chris’ tie, but something wasn’t adding up.

I started pacing around the room. Van and Chris waited patiently, standing next to each other, tracking my movements.

There was one big question that I couldn’t figure out. Why would Eli care about me and Chris? Breaking Chris’ lunar tie would help our relationship, but it didn’t do anything but allow us to be together. I didn’t need Chris’ help to stay alive, because not only was I strong, but I had Van—a former god—to watch my back. So, this had to be just a romance play, but archons weren’t in the business of matchmaking. Eli was no cupid. He had an ulterior motive.

But what? I couldn’t figure it out.

“What’s wrong?” Chris stepped forward, grabbing my hand before I could pace away from him. “What has you so frantic?”

I blew out a long breath. “I just… Something’s wrong, but I can’t figure it out. I sense something on the horizon and it’s bad, but what?” It was black and dark and made me feel like the world was about to end.

“What is it Cosette?” Van asked. “You know better than to ignore what your Sight gives you.”

“God, I’m exhausted.” I stepped into Chris, leaning my head on his chest. “It’s not Sight. It’s not specific enough for that, but… I have a terrible feeling that this is going to go very badly.”

“What’s the worst that could happen?” Chris asked.

There were plenty of awful things that could happen. I pulled away from him enough to see his face. “Off the top of my head? We could die. My mother could force me to marry someone horrible. Or you could become a captive of the Lunar Court and be a slave for an eternity before they—”

“Okay. Stop.” Chris wrapped me tighter in his arms. He ran a hand slowly up and down my back until my breathing calmed. “I’m not letting anything stop me from being with you. Not any premonition. Not your mother. Not my lunar tie. So, let’s go see a girl about a bargain. Okay?”