“Who’s her father?” Chris asked.

“An archon.”

“Eli?” There was a thread of horror in his voice and I didn’t blame him. I definitely didn’t want Eli to be my father.

“No. Another. It doesn’t matter.” Van was quiet, but I waited in the bed for him to finish.

“For the last little while, Cosette has been a spy, as you know, and living away from our court. But with things changing recently, the fey have been reminded of her power and are testing her. The only way to stop it, is for her to partner with someone powerful enough and steeped in the courts with lots of alliances so that it would seem stupid for someone to speak ill of her, let alone try to assassinate her.”


“Got it.” Chris’ voice was snappy.

“See, Coco. He understands.”

“Ugh.” Our groans echoed each other.

“Don’t call her that,” Chris said. “Just because I understand doesn’t mean I like it.”

I sat up now, and they turned to me. Van still had pity on his face, but Chris—the muscle along his jaw was tic-tic-ticcing and I knew he was more than mad.

“I always wanted to marry someone who made me feel…like you make me feel, but… Oh, God! What is wrong with me?” I swiped away a tear. “I still can’t say the stupid words. I—” My voice broke on the most pathetic sob.

Van moved away from me to make way for Chris.

Within a second, Chris closed the distance, sat on the bed, and swept me onto his lap. I wrapped myself around him, burying my head in his neck as I cried.

“I promised myself I would say it if you were here, and I can’t—”

“Hey. Hey.” He rubbed a hand down my back. “Don’t cry. I know you’re madly in love with me.”

My sobs turned into a laugh. “How do you know that?”

“Because I’m really hot.”

The laughter turned to giggles and I pulled away from him.

Chris rubbed his thumbs under my eyes, wiping away the tears.

“How do you always do that?”

“Do what?”

“Make me laugh.”

“It’s just my special talent.” He gave me a small, sad smile. “It’s either laugh through the pain or let it consume you. So I choose laughter.”

The tears started again, because that was just so Chris. I knew what he’d come from—what he had to overcome—and that he was still so lighthearted and kind after everything…

“Don’t cry over me.” He wiped my tears again. “I was wrong before. I’m sorry for what I said last night, but I have a plan.”

The dread that I’d been feeling since I’d arrived here rose again, and my tiny fraction of Sight that I had was screaming that whatever Chris said, I wasn’t going to like it. “What kind of plan?”

“Eli brought me to Gales because he said someone here had enough power to cut my lunar tie.”

I scrambled backward, off his lap. “What? No. You can’t be serious. Breaking your lunar tie might mean you’d lose your wolf. Forever.”

“I figured that might be the case.”