It took my mind a second to process the abrupt subject change. “Yes.”

“Eli and I had a nice chat. You see, the archons and my court are good friends. Both of us thrive in the gray area and enjoy collecting information.”

“Can you get rid of my tie?”

“Yes, of course. I can do that for you, but I’ll need something in exchange. Nothing comes without cost.”

“I’m willing to bargain, but I can’t guarantee to get your court out of hiding.” I couldn’t promise something that wasn’t in my power.

“We’ll see what you’re willing to part with when given the correct incentive. And what kind of guarantee you’re willing to give as a result.”

I didn’t like the sound of that. Not even a little bit. When the incentive was saving Cosette’s life, I knew I would part with a lot. I had a feeling that we would’ve sat there staring at each other for a while, but something smacked into my face. I glanced at the floor to see a piece of bread, and then looked up to see Rayvien staring at me from across the room. Her gaze was colder than ice as she watched us.

What was her deal?

“Don’t mind her. She’s just angry.”

“At what?”

“Me.” He grinned. “She’s my wife, and she was once friendly with Cosette. Although that has been strained for the last few decades.”

I wanted to say something about how Rayvien was currently sitting on ano

ther man’s lap, or that he’d said he didn’t trust me with anyone yet he let Rayvien bring me inside and sit with me. Either she was extremely powerful or he didn’t give a shit about his wife. Either way, it wasn’t my business, but I was really hoping it was the former.

Ziriel snapped his fingers, and a platter of sour meat appeared on the table between us. When he bit into it, the scent grew stronger, and my stomach rolled.

“Rayvien! Come!” He yelled with his mouth still full.

The room grew quiet, and Rayvien slowly rose from her spot. She gave a not-too-gentle pat to the man’s face and stalked over. Her gaze narrowed at Ziriel. “What is it?”

“Show our guest to his quarters.”

An order? From her husband?

I really didn’t understand them at all.

Ziriel stood from the table. “Rest and be welcome.” He pulled a glittering coin from his pocket, throwing it high in the air.

The coin dropped down to hover in front of my face. I looked to Rayvien, but her face gave me no clue as to what the coin was or what would happen if I accepted it.

The room was still quiet, as if everyone inside was holding their breath. The small, dime-size coin emitted a high-pitched ring as it started spinning in front of my face.

I thought again about what Eli had said—what would I sacrifice for Cosette?

Everything. I would sacrifice everything for her.

I snatched the coin from the air.

“Good choice.” Ziriel’s smile sent a shiver through my soul.

And with that, Ziriel turned to smoke, disappearing from the room with a small breeze.

There was quiet for another couple seconds, and then everyone in the room jumped to life. Trading coins. Even if I couldn’t understand the fey words, I knew the yelling was trash talking. And a lot of pointing at me.

“Come,” Rayvien said before starting toward one of the room’s many exits.

She led me through a series of hallways. The glass floor seemed like it should’ve been slippery under my feet, but it wasn’t. It made me wonder how much of this place was illusion and how much of it was real.