Cursing at God—if that even was God—was a bad call. I should apologize.

“I don’t need an apology.” A figure walked toward me, like he’d stepped out of the endless light. He was wearing white pants, a white shirt, and held a flaming spear in his hand.

But it wasn’t the spear that caught my attention. It was his wings. I’d thought the room was white, but it wasn’t. Not when compared to the brilliant, pure, iridescent white of this angel’s wings.

“I’m not God or an angel, but I wanted to meet you.”

There was something familiar about him, like I’d seen him somewhere, but I wasn’t sure where. “And you are?”

“Samael.” He didn’t smile or nod or show any kind of emotion at all. He wasn’t joking or cocky. He just stared at me, totally stone-faced.

“Okay.” The name sounded familiar, but I couldn’t quite remember…

“Some people call me the Archangel of Death.”

I took a step back. I hadn’t been afraid of the flaming spear, but now I was having second thoughts about the guy.

“The thing you might find most important about me is that I am Cosette’s father.”

And then I remembered what Ziriel had said in the arena. Cosette’s archon father was the Archangel of Death. Poison of God. “Right. The archon, Samael.”


Well, at least I knew where Cosette’s facade came from. No wonder he looked familiar. If it hadn’t been the worst day of my life, I would’ve recognized him right away. I’d filled so many sketchbooks with her face. Their mouths were similar. Lips, too. Hers were fuller, and her eyes were a darker brown than his, but the same shape.

Yep. This was her dad. If he couldn’t take me back, then maybe he’d want to help her. “I can feel Cosette a little, which means that the little bit I’m getting through our bond must actually be a lot worse, and I can’t stand it that she’s hurting. I really, really want to go back to her, but if that’s not possible, if you could help her, I’d really appreciate it. Anything you could do to ease her grief would be good.”

“I can’t take away her grief without taking away the memories she has of you.”

It made sense and it sucked, but that would be better than what she was going through right now. “That’s fine. If you could just erase me from her memory, then she’ll be okay.” I thought for a second.

Damn. This was exactly what she’d done to me at Gales with her lunar magic. But this time one of us was dead. It was game over for me. If forgetting me helped her, then I had to do it. Just like she’d tried to do it for me.

But there was something else. “If you could, I would ask one more thing.”


“Could you…” This sucked. This totally sucked, but if I couldn’t get back to her… “Could you…” I couldn’t make myself say the words.

“Ah. I know what you’re thinking—or what you’re trying to think. You want me to put someone good for her in her path. A match?”

Either he had an itch on his cheek, or he’d given me a half-smile for exactly point seven seconds.

“I’m not cupid, but I think I could make an exception, just this once.”

I blew out a breath. It sucked, but was best for her. I wanted her to be happy and loved. “Someone really nice and kind, but someone funny. Who can make her laugh. She doesn’t do that enough. Also, someone who can see through her facade and not take any of her shit.”


“A good fighter. Someone strong. Not a werewolf, because apparently there’s no such thing as breaking a lunar tie—”

“Oh.” He tilted his head just slightly and I thought that was probably the only sign of shock that I’d get from him. “That’s not true at all.”

Shit. I didn’t want to ask, but I had to. “Then I did it wrong? There was an amulet or a spell or something else that I missed.”


I closed my eyes and thanked God my wolf still wasn’t anywhere to be found because Cosette’s dad was fucking frustrating.