I closed my eyes. I’d deal with that later.


My eyes flew open. Blood ran down Saoirse’s head. She stood above me, looking a bit too much like Carrie for my liking.

I tried to lift my arms, but they weren’t listening to me. I couldn’t even roll over. All the adrenaline was gone. I didn’t have anything left.

“You’ve lost,” Saoirse said.

“Maybe. But so have you.”

She tore off her clothes and shifted. In wolf form, she bared her fangs at me.

I knew what was coming. If I couldn’t make myself get up, then it was lights out. I tried to move again, but there wasn’t anything I could do. If you could hurry, that’d be good.

Almost there.

Now would be better.

Saoirse jumped at me with fangs ready to rip open my throat.

Donovan crashed into her in mid-air. I smiled. He hadn’t wasted any time. A crack echoed through the room as Donovan grabbed

her head and viciously twisted it. Saoirse’s limp body bounced as it hit the ground. Her head lolled to the side at an unnatural angle.

I melted into the floor. “Shit. You have some timing.” My words were slurred, and I hoped it was just from the exhaustion.

Donovan knelt by my side. He hadn’t bothered with clothes in his quick shift, but he didn’t seem bothered by that. His focus was on me. He started to say something, but his voice cracked and he stopped.

“I’m sure it looks much worse than it is.”

“Meredith…” His hands shook as he brushed a piece of hair from my face. Even if his fear hadn’t been slamming into me, I would’ve known he was afraid from his scent. It was all I could smell.

“Don’t worry so much. I’m going to be fine.” I’d faced down Bhrunyz twice and hadn’t died yet. I wasn’t giving up now.

A tear rolled down his cheek. “I’m going to order you to sleep, okay? I won’t wake you up until you’re healed.”

“That sounds like a fantastic idea.”

“Sleep, a ghrá.” He said, shoving as much power as I could stand down my throat.

The world went blissfully black as the pain melted from my body.

Chapter Twenty-Six

I woke with a gasp. My heart was going a mile a minute. I tried to sit up, but Donovan brushed a hand over my forehead. “Shhh. Everything is fine. You’re safe.”

“What…” I didn’t even know what to ask. Last time I was awake, everything had hurt. The pain was gone now, but it was replaced with confusion. “What happened?”

“You’ve been asleep for the past ten days. It took a while to get you healed up, and I didn’t want you in pain.”

I relaxed back into the pillow and took a deep breath. There wasn’t anything to fight right now. That part was over. The bed under me was soft. The sheets and duvet were so comfy, I wanted to sink in for another year or so. I stretched, taking stock of everything. My arm had healed, correctly this time, and I was thankful not to have been awake for the whole re-breaking experience. Because that must have been terrible.

I wiggled my fingers, and they moved just how they were supposed to. My sides didn’t burn. I couldn’t smell even a hint of blood.

Donovan sat down beside me. He looked like a dream. His dark gray sweater made his light blue eyes stand out even more. “How are you feeling?”

“Surprisingly good. Hungry. But good. What happened with the pack?”