Nah. You use what you have available in any and every fight. I’ll always be here.

But what if you’re not? Maybe Max had a point.

My brother started at me again, and I rolled, grabbing his feet as I went. He fell to the ground and then it was on. We wrestled until sweat poured down my face, blurring my vision. My muscles ached, and I wondered when one of us would finally cry uncle and end this.

But I couldn’t give in. I wouldn’t give in. If I wanted any chance at stopping my brothers’ incessant hounding, I had to win. Without Donovan’s help.

You’re just playing with him, Donovan said through the bond.

Playing? My brother’s foot dug into the small of my back as I tried to wiggle out of the current hold. The oldest of my siblings had way more than a handful of inches on me and a ton of muscle. He’d passed his Cazadores test a few decades or more ago and had only gotten better—stronger, leaner, faster—over the years. Without Donovan’s help, there was exactly zero competition. Max knew it. I knew it. But somehow my mate was oblivious?

You’re not using your full potential. You think you’re weaker than your brother, so you are. Doesn’t have to be that way. Donovan sounded bored.

Perfect. Now I was getting critiqued by my mate. Only he couldn’t see how badly my ass was getting handed to me. Max is the best fighter in the pack. I’m giving it everything I’ve got, but I can’t win. I growled as Max wrenched an arm behind my back to the point where I was sure he was going to tear something. Not that it wouldn’t heal as soon as he let me go, but the pain…

I bucked, trying to get him to loosen his hold, but it wasn’t working. At all.

You spent years with your wolf suppressed. It’s no wonder you think you’re weak, but you’re not.

“I didn’t suppress shit,” I said aloud.

My brother’s grip loosened. “What was that? You giving up?”

“I wasn’t talking to you.” I gritted out the words.

“No cheating!” My brother rolled me, pinning me in an even more impossible position. I was eating carpet with both my arms twisted behind my back. My brother’s full weight was on me, and I could barely get in enough air.

There was no getting out of this. I should submit.

Don’t submit. Not ever. When Luciana cursed you, you were too young to really be one with your wolf. It takes a few years to know what your power level is. Given a chance, you would’ve come into your own, but you didn’t have the time. Your wolf was beyond your grasp before you got to know her.

I gasped, twisting my neck as I tried to breathe in a little more air, but all I got was a mouth full of fuzz as my brother pressed down on me. Your point?

You don’t need me to beat him. Let your wolf go.

The idea was ludicrous. I’d sparred with Max my whole life and I never won. I’d never even come close. Not until I started pulling power from Donovan.

Trust me, Donovan pleaded softly. I’d not lead you astray.

My vision was going dim. Screw it. I let go. I didn’t shift, but I let my wolf rise, gathering her strength. Embracing it. Feeling her… It was like coming home.

Strength seeped into my limbs. If I let go any more, my muscles would stretch. Re-form. White fur would cover my body.

I took one deep breath and then bucked. Hard. I twisted as I jerked my body, breaking Max’s hold around my neck for just long enough to get loose. I moved quickly. My wolf might not be as powerful as my brother’s, but she was fast. Much faster than Max’s. I flipped him over, threw my forearm over his throat, and growled. “Submit.”

He struggled for a second, blue eyes flashing brightly. Max was more alpha than me. Or I’d thought he was more alpha than me—we both had—but maybe Donovan was right?

Of course I’m right. Donovan sounded mildly insulted.

I almost laughed.

Better to learn this now. I could almost feel is wink through the bond.

I did laugh, then. Max thought that meant that I was giving up, and struggled against me, nearly getting away. I pushed harder, and a gurgle slipped from his throat. I was choking him, cutting off his airway. “Come on. Don’t be an idiot. Submit.” It was just my own power—my wolf—backing those words, but maybe it would be enough.

He started to say something, but I couldn’t make it out. I let my arm up just enough.

“Fine,” Max’s voice rasped. “But I want the remote.”