“I keep telling you that you’re stronger than you realize.”

I snorted. “Blinded by love.”

That got me the smile I wanted. Donovan strode toward me and brushed a kiss against my lips. “Yes. But no.” One of my brothers coughed, and I suppressed a groan of frustration.

“Don’t mind us,” Matt said. “We’ll just be over here.”

Right. Until they joined in on the sparring session. “What are we starting with?”

“Beijing Short.”

I nodded, closing my eyes before we moved into the first stance in our tai chi form. The movements flowed from one to the next in an elegant dance.

The door slammed shut behind me and I stopped.

“I was comin’ to find what you’d like for…” Ciara’s voice trailed off as she twisted the skirt of her dress. Her dark-chocolate-colored hair cascaded down her back. Long bangs were cut straight across her forehead, making her look young, but she was starting to get crow’s-feet around her eyes. Which was concerning.

More concerning was the scent of fear coming off her and the way her face paled. “I—I—Sorry. I’ll just b


The way she scurried off so quickly had me worried. “I’m going to go after her.”

“No,” Donovan said. “It was me. I’ll have a word with her later. But give her a moment.”

“Yeah, cutie pie. No getting out of this on,” Max said.

I nodded. For now, I’d listen to them, but something was up with Ciara—who was more like a best friend than nanny these days—and I was going to find out what.

Donovan started the form over again, and I struggled to join him. I kept missing moves in the sequence and turning the wrong way. My head wasn’t in it at all. I couldn’t stop thinking about the way Ciara had acted. By the time we reached the end of the series, my body was starting to warm up, but I still hadn’t found my groove.

Donovan paused and I turned to him, wondering what was next. Letting him lead the session was okay by me. He had the experience and learning from him was a big deal. But this wasn’t a teaching session. This was meant to prove to my brothers—and to myself—that I could truly hold my own.

He did a capoeira style backflip with a kick, and I dropped to the ground.

Just like that, my head was back in the game. It was time to kick a little ass.

You could’ve given me some warning. I jumped up from the ground and spun, barely missing his fist.

Pay attention.

With that, it was on. Donovan worked with me, flowing effortlessly from style to style. It was one of the things I liked best about him. I’d never met anyone outside the Wayfarer pack who was so well versed in various forms of martial arts. Working out with him felt like coming home.

That and his smile. He made me laugh.

And his abs…

Concentrate, he said as his fist almost grazed my cheek.

I jumped back. I am.

He bounced in place for a second. No. You’re getting romantic in your head. It’s slowing you down. You can’t do that in a fight.

I caught his fist in my hand and knocked it to the side, causing him to skid away. We’re not in a fight. We’re sparring. It’s different. My mind can wander. I’m just—

The world spun as I caught air. It took me a split-second to tighten into a ball and spot the ground before I landed. On my feet.

“Goddamnit! Micah!” His scent gave him away.