“I couldn’t get Helen to let Cosette leave underhill, and Claudia, Lucas, and Raphael only just got to Peru. They send their love. But I thought this might help with the nerves.”

I didn’t want to ask, but I wondered about my father and brothers. My mom could fly a kite for all I cared, but Ciara… I didn’t think she’d ever agree to come back here, though. Not in a million years.

“Your family will be here,” he said, answering my question before I got up the guts to ask it.

I spun in my seat. “What?”

“They’re not due in until tonight. They got caught up with a few things, but they’ll be here for the ceremony.”

I reached over, grasping his arm. My eyes teared up and I tried to blink them away. “How did you know?”

He raised an eyebrow. “What kind of mate do you take me for? Of course you want your family and friends here. I know we talked about waiting, but just because we moved up the ceremony doesn’t mean you should miss out on what you want.”

This was perfect. Amazingly awesome. “Thank you.”

“It’s my job to make sure you’re well looked after. I’m happy to have done so.”

I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a quick kiss. He laughed, and I jumped out of the car before Donovan had it in park. “Oh my god!”

“You’re getting hitched,” Tessa yelled as she ran to me. She used to not be about the touching—with good reason—but I was slowly getting her on board with hugs. It felt special when she gave you one. Like she really trusted you.

I gave her a big one, squealing like a crazy person. “I can’t believe you’re here!” She looked amazing, and I almost didn’t recognize her from the person I’d met a few months ago. The weight she’d carried on her shoulders was gone. Her eyes glittered as she laughed. She was positively glowing. The honeymoon was doing her well.

“Like I’d miss it. Especially after the shit you gave me over my ceremony. I didn’t think I’d hear the end of it.”


“Hey! This is a big deal. Like bigger than a wedding.”

She rolled her eyes. “It’s kind of exactly like a human wedding, only with a lot more blood.”

“I didn’t think human weddings had blood.”

“They don’t,” she said, dryly.

I laughed. “Right.” I gave the guys hugs and then went back to drag Tessa inside. “Boys. Go do boy things. Tessa’s going to help me get ready.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Chris said. “So, Donovan. Any eligible ladies around here? I’m striking out in Texas.”

I rolled my eyes. Chris was the biggest flirt in the history of flirts. If he’d actually give a girl a chance, maybe he’d find someone. Someone was out there for him, and God bless her. She was going to have her hands full.

“Be good to my mate,” Dastien said.

“You’ve been with her the last few weeks. A few hours apart won’t kill you.” I glanced at Tessa as she made eyes at him. “I’ll return her in one piece. Don’t worry.”

I led the way through the stronghold to Donovan’s apartment, and we spent the next few hours catching up. Tessa and Dastien had gone to France to visit Dastien’s home but were heading to the Caribbean after Europe. She gestured wildly as she told me all about it. The girl was positively giddy and with good reason. Her trip with Dastien blew my eight days with Donovan out of the water. And they still hadn’t made it to their beach paradise yet. I was more than a little jealous but happy for her.

There was a knock on the door.

“You expecting someone?” Tessa asked.

“No.” That was weird. “We shouldn’t be seeing anyone for a while.” I opened the door slowly. I’d been secretly hoping to avoid the pack until tonight, but maybe that was too much to hope for.

I couldn’t have been more surprised by who was actually standing in the doorway. “Ciara?”

She was nervously looking up and down the hall. “Let me in before someone sees me!”

“Oh my God, come in!” I pulled her through Donovan’s apartment and into the bedroom. “What are you doing here?”