“Please, Helen—” Saoirse whined and Helen didn’t respond.

She’d hung up, however that was done on mirrors. Saoirse was pissed.

I grinned. Ah, karma.

I stepped into the room. “I’ll take that brooch now, Saoirse.”

Fur broke over Saoirse’s body before she could fight it back. “No.” The word was little more than a horrified whisper, but I heard it just the same. “You should be dead.” She was genuinely confused, but I wasn’t sure that anyone had ever made it out of Bhrunyz’s lair alive, so that wasn’t a surprise.

“Oh, I’m a lot tougher to kill than that. Worse people than you have tried and failed.” As annoying and conniving as Saoirse was, she wasn’t the same level of evil that Luciana had been.

She clasped the silver rose. “Bhrunyz. To me.”

Right. Get the brooch first, then antagonize her. Dumb mistake.

I braced to dodge, but nothing happened. We waited, silent and still, but Bhrunyz didn’t show up.

“To me!” Her voice grew a little more frantic.

I grinned. Bhrunyz was all tied up. I wasn’t sure how Donovan was managing it, but I was grateful. It probably wasn’t going to last long. The pack weren’t the best fighters, but even if they threw chairs and tables at him, that could be enough. It had worked before.

“To me!” She yelled again.

“I think Bhrunyz might be a little busy right now,” I said as I limped toward her.

“I can smell your blood.”

I was hurt. I couldn’t hide it, but that didn’t mean I wouldn’t give her one hell of a fight. “I’m bleeding and my arm is shit, but you what? I’m at my worst right now, and I’ll still beat you.”

I took a few steps toward her and she sprung into action.

This time, Saoirse was fast. Or maybe I was slow. Her fist hit my side before I could block it and hot blood gushed from my already torn skin.

I didn’t have use of one arm and one of my legs was seriously injured, but I blocked her hits as fast as they came. It took me a second, but I managed to nail her in the stomach with my good hand. She ran for the back of the room as she gasped for air.

Where the hell was she going?

Saoirse threw one of the side chairs at me and I ducked. It shattered against the wall behind me.

She reached behind her for a book and threw that at me, too. I swatted it away with my bad arm and kept going to her. She threw another book at me, and I was done.

“Jesus. Stop throwing shit.” I picked up a floor lamp and swung it at her with everything I had. It caught her in the stomach, and she slammed into the wall. Her head bounced back against one of the portraits. The modern piece was framed with glass, and as it crashed on her head, glass rained down on her. The scent of her blood filled the room.

I quickly limped over to her. I didn’t need to hurt or even kill her. I just needed the stupid brooch.

My hand closed around cool metal, and I ripped the chain from her neck. Fey magic tingled along my skin like a million ants were walking on me. “Bhrunyz. Go back to your lair.”

Everyone okay? I held my breath as I waited for him to answer.

Yes. He said after a moment. We’re fine. He left.

Holy shit. I needed a second. All the air whooshed out of me, and my side…

I’m coming to you now. I’m bringing the pack medic.

That’s good. Because I’m not doing so hot. I sagged down on the floor, finally feeling every bump, scrape, and slash. The hours of running and terror. It was over.

But my fucking arm. I swallowed. Getting that fixed was going to be a total bitch. My brothers had told horror stories about Weres who’d healed broken limbs and lost motor function.