He huffed. “It was pure madness. I’ve lived here my whole life and I’ve never seen a thing like that.”

“It was a first for me, too.” And I hoped a last, but that was a pipe dream. Bhrunyz would be back. My heart picked up at the thought. I’d almost died getting away from him, and it could happen again. Next time I might not be so lucky. A cold sweat broke out on my forehead, and I pushed down the fear before it swallowed me whole.

“So what can I do for you, Meredith, Donovan’s mate. I’m afraid I’m all out of cars if you’ve a need for me to hit another beast.”

Funny guy. “No. Actually, I was wondering if we could have a chat.”

“I think I could do that. Where are you now?”

“I’m about to eat lunch and have an order of lobster mac and cheese—”

“Aye. Sullivan’s. Be there in twenty.”

He’d already hung up. That was a lot easier than I’d thought it’d be.

A waitress came out with silverware and my tea. She gave me a good stare and then nodded. “No way.” She spun and quickly went back inside, but before the door could shut, I heard her voice again. “You’re on. No way is that little thing going to be eating all that food.”

Yikes. Poor girl was going to lose. I’d better leave her a good tip to make up for it.

By the time McTavish pulled in, I was surrounded by a sea of plates.

“Good lord. Is that all for you?”

“I might be able to share a little with you, but… I was really injured, and the day before that it was slow on the eating so I’m playing catch up.” I tapped my spoon on one of the copper bowls in front of me. “This is mac and cheese with crab.” I tapped my spoon on the other copper bowl. “This one is mac and cheese with lobster. I can’t decide which is better, and I’m wondering if I should ask them to make me up an order with crab and lobster. But would that be too much?”

McTavish’s eyes were wide. “You speaking in fat and calories or money?”

“Flavors. I don’t want to overwhelm the senses. Maybe the crab one highlights the crab, and the lobster one the lobster. Maybe if the two were combined one would overpower the other. That would be a shame.”

He scratched his head. His brows furrowed as he took in the scene, and then he shook his head and grabbed a spoon. “Why don’t you just mix a bit of both together and find out?”

I pointed my spoon at him. “I knew I called you for a reason.” I grabbed a small plate from under one of the bowls and spooned some of each onto it.

His grin was nice. Comforting. “Thanks. But I hope I can help out in more than just a culinary way.” He took a bite of the mixed mac and cheese. “It’s quite nice.”

“Hmm.” I took my own bite. “Nah. I like them better apart.”

He shrugged. “Well, it’s mac and cheese. What’s not to like?”

“Very true.”

More plates showed up and McTavish’s eyes grew wide again. “You seriously going to eat all this? Or did you order for me?”

“I didn’t order for you, but I can?”

A crease formed between his brows as he thought about that. “It’s a werewolf thing?”

I nodded “Definitely a werewolf thing.”

“Right. Got it.”

The waitress stopped. “You wanting something to drink, McTavish?”

“I’d love a hot tea if you don’t mind.”

“Not at all. But I will tell you we’ve a bet going on in the back over her eatin’ all this food. If you eat some of it, the bet’s ruined.”

He grinned up at her. “Can’t have that, can we? I’ll have an order of the fish and chips.”