“Hey now. Even if I couldn’t take care of myself just fine—which I can—he does a great job as my partner. It’s my fault I didn’t stop for lunch.” I had no idea where to find food in this monstrosity of a stronghold, but if I’d really wanted to, I could’ve figured it out.

Ian held up his hands. “I’ve no doubt the one Donovan picked can take care of herself.”

I waggled my finger at Ian. “Hey. I picked him and he should thank his lucky stars for that. Or else he’d be stuck with psycho bitches who throw shit.” I turned and started walking backward so that I could see their faces. “Can we just go back to that for a second because I’m still processing it? Dude. Vivian threw a vase at me. She’s seriously out of her goddamned mind.”

Both guys laughed, and on the inside, I was laughing too. But on the outside, I looked appropriately outraged. After two murder scenes and that talk with the lovely Helen, we all needed a laugh. Desperately. I was happy I could provide one.

“She just said you should thank your lucky stars for her.” Ian slapped Donovan’s arm. “You. The great Donovan, one of the Seven, Alpha of the Irish pack.”

If I had more of an ego, I probably would’ve been insulted by that, but it was the truth. I had no idea why Donovan wanted me. It blew my mind. But that didn’t mean I was going to let Ian get away with talking down to me. “Hey! Clearly, you don’t know me well enough yet to know that I’m pretty amazing. I slay demons with one hand and rip the decayed hearts out of vamps with the other, all while keeping up some damned witty repartee.” I looked him up and down. “I’d be happy to show you how I could take you down.” He was a fourth. On my own, I could maybe do it. And if I pulled power from Donovan, no contest.

Donovan closed the distance between us, and I stopped walking. His eyes twinkled with mischief, and I couldn’t help but grin at him. His arms wrapped around my middle, and I had a moment to melt before he picked me up and threw me down the hall.

I tucked my legs, flipping twice, before landing on my feet.

I raised my arms in the air, giving my best gymnast impersonation. “Thank you. Thank you, very much. I’ll be here all week.”

“I thought she was going to hit the fecking wall.” Ian had frozen in his spot. “You warned her through the bond?”

Donovan shook his head. “She’s had more training in her eighteen years than most wolves have in their entire lives. Her four brothers made sure of it. Trust me. I’m not the first person who’s thrown her across a room in the last day or so.”

I remembered slamming into the media room wall. “Very true. Max did toss me…” God. Was that only two days ago? “And that time I did hit the wall. And then Micah did, too. But this time there was more room. That got my blood pumping and I’m not feeling quite so wolfy


“You’re welcome.” Donovan closed the distance between us. “See? I take care of my mate, Ian,” he said without looking away from me. “And I do thank my lucky fucking stars.”

I pressed my lips to his. “As you should.”

“Don.” The sound of Vivian’s whine broke us apart, just as she intended. “You rushed off without me this morning. In case you’ve forgotten, I’m your second now. You should consult with me before you take any actions to find who killed Thomas. If you care enough to do anything about it. Running off with a non-pack member while all of this is going on and kissing in the hallway?” Vivian stepped between Donovan and me to run a fingertip down his arm. “What’s that say to us? And I’ve heard she’s been cursed. You with a cursed wolf? Seems like you’re making a lot of wrong choices these days.”

That was it. I’d heard enough.

I grabbed Vivian’s arm, turning her toward me, and then slammed my fist into her face. I moved to the side as blood spurted from her nose and she crumpled to the ground.

“Oh, whoops. Did that hurt?” I squatted next to her and grinned as she moaned. “Next time, don’t throw home furnishings at me and don’t touch my mate. Ever.” I paused to let my words sink in. “I’m Donovan’s mate, and you might have warmed his bed once a long time ago, but that’s the past. I’m here now. I’m his true mate and I outrank you. Never forget that.”

“You bitch. You’re not worth half of what I am.”

What was she even talking about? Power? Financially? Who cared?

I stared her down. “I’d get moving to wherever your medic is hiding. Your nose is healing crooked, but if you want me to break it again, I’m always ready and able.”

She screeched, and the madness thickened in her eyes. Her face contorted with rage. “You bitch.” Spit flew from her mouth as she whispered fiercely at me. “Come at me again, and I’ll make what I did to Ciara seem like a dream.” She whispered the last few words so softly I could barely hear them, but she’d forgotten that Ian and Donovan were right behind me. If I could hear her, so could they.

Good work, Donovan said through our bond.

I grinned. This couldn’t have worked out better if I’d planned it. “Ian? Did you hear that?”

“Aye. I bloody well did.”

I leaned closer to her. “See. Madness always shines through, sooner or later.” I stood up. “I’d call that a confession. Witnessed by the three of us. Enough to call a tribunal? Not yet. But with this, and Ciara’s statements, that’s two pieces of proof. We just need one more.”

Vivian jumped up, leaping at me, but my laugh stopped her.

“Please. Do me a favor and come at me again. Let’s see if we can get that home run right now.”

Instead, she turned on the crocodile tears. “You’re going to let her treat me this way,” she said to Donovan as great big sobs wracked her body.