
I sat up. “Holy shit. My brothers let me sleep in.” Already a sign of an awesome day to come.

Donovan rolled to his back. He was lying on top of the covers, dressed only in a pair of sweatpants. No shirt. No shoes. I raked my gaze over his body—the way his biceps tightened as he put his arms behind his head, his perfectly formed abs, and his grin. He gave me a


It was too much. I couldn’t help the little sigh that slipped free.

I felt his amusement through our bond. He knew exactly what he was doing to me. Jerk.

“You think I’d let them torture you while I’m around to put an end to it?” he said.

It took a second for my mind to catch back up to him. Right. My brothers had only let me sleep because Donovan had kept them away. “Best present ever.” I settled over him and nuzzled my nose in the crook of his neck. “Second best present? You in my bed.”

Donovan laughed as he wrapped his arms around me. “You like to sleep more than anyone I’ve ever known.” He gave my back a little rub before letting go.

“No. Don’t stop. I like the rubbing.”

“Aye. I bet you do, but it’s off to train. Why do you think I’m not fully dressed yet?”

He had to be joking. “Nope. No way. I’ve had enough. I’m not getting up.”

“After what Cosette said, I’d rather you be over-prepared than not. Up with you.” He slid out from under me and ripped the covers away.

I narrowed my gaze at him. “I take it back. Your presents suck.”

His grin didn’t dim at all. “Enough with the whining. Let’s go show your brothers what we’ve been doing the past while.”

I gave him a long look. “Honestly, Donovan. I don’t think they want to see that.”

He leaned back as he laughed. “Not that, woman. Mind out of the gutter. Christ Jesus.” He shook his head at me. “I’m trying to be respectful in your father’s house before we’re fully mated, but you’re making it hard.”

“Am I? Making it hard?” He, on the other hand, was making it too easy.

“Shite!” He turned to the door.

“Running from your mate already?” I teased.

“As if that were a thing.” He crossed his arms. The movement did amazing things to his arms. I almost laughed at myself. I was losing my mind, totally full-on obsessed with the guy. And who the hell would’ve guessed I was so into arms? It wasn’t like every other Were in the history of Weres wasn’t built. But something about Donovan got to me.

“I’m off to gather your brothers. I’ll meet you in your sparring room.”

All the sexy thoughts went right down the toilet. “I thought this place was big and you didn’t know where anything was.”

“That was before this morning. I’ve had plenty of time to explore.”

Plenty of time? “When did you wake up?”

“A while ago.”

That was vague. “Did you get any sleep?”

“Aye. Some.”

I slid off the bed and took a step toward him as I really looked at him.

His color was a tad pale, which wasn’t normal. Especially for an Alpha. Weres healed quickly, which meant practically no aging and next to no wear and tear. It was the biggest benefit to being a Were. That and the strength. And the whole running as a wolf thing.