Page 122 of Bruja (Alpha Girl 4)

I sighed. “Nothing good.”

“That’s not true. You helped your brother with magic.” He moved a branch out of the way, and motioned me past.

“If I hadn’t learned about my magic, then Luciana wouldn’t have been able to use it. And Raphael wouldn’t have needed my help in the first place. So, nothing good.” Fathers Valentine and Albert came to my mind. “It seems like the people practicing black magic outweigh the ones practicing white by an impossible amount.”

He grunted. “No. I don’t believe that at all.”

I stopped walking for a second. “You don’t?”

“No. I think you’ve seen far too much evil for someone your age. It’s set an impression on you, but you have to separate yourself from it. Your magic is strong and good. You just need to let yourself shine.” He reached for my hand. “Aim for the stars, Claudia. If anyone can reach them, it’s you.”


The sun was setting over the mountain, spreading a mixture of oranges and pinks across the sky. It looked as if the clouds were on fire.

Lucas stopped in a clearing, and set down the backpacks. “We’ll set up camp here for the night. The mine is just a couple hours away.”

I wrung my hands together. “We’re so close and we’re going to stop?”

“It’ll get dark fast. If you twist your ankle on the way, then I really will have to carry you back to the car.” He pulled a tent out of his pack. He gave the fabric a shake and it popped up, almost on its own. “We’re going as fast as we can. You told Raphael to hang in, and he will. But if you ended up hurt again and we couldn’t complete the journey, he’d be in trouble.”

Lucas was right, but that didn’t help. I rolled my shoulders, trying to release the tension in my back. Being so close yet not actually there was frustrating. I wanted to get there.

I tapped my fingers against my leg as I contemplated going on without Lucas. He’d catch up, eventually.

“You’re making me nervous with all that tapping.”

I sighed. Realistically, I couldn’t go anywhere without him. I’d probably just get lost.

I sat down on the dirt as Lucas built a fire. He set rocks around the perimeter so the flames wouldn’t spread, and then placed some dried leaves under a teepee of sticks. I laughed when he got out a lighter.

He glanced over at me, his eyebrows raised high. “You thought I was going to rub two sticks together?”

I winced. “Kind of. I mean, the way you were going about it—” I waved to the fire. “It seemed like two sticks was the next logical step.”

He chuckled. “No. I abandoned that method a long time ago. This is much faster.” When he was done, he went back to his pack. “I didn’t bring anything to cook for dinner, but I did manage this.” He tossed a small plastic bag.

I somehow managed to catch it. “Marshmallows?”

“I heard Americans really love them for camping.”

“Not that I’ve done much camping, but you heard right.” I set the bag down. “So, a healthy dinner of beef jerky and marshmallows. Is that enough for you?”

He shrugged. “Don’t worry about me. I can go wolf and hunt my own food.”

My mouth dropped open. “You’d eat it raw? Something furry?”

“Yup. My wolf doesn’t mind too much.”

I shuddered. “Yuck.”

“You might like a furry, newly killed animal.”

I full on gagged. “Nope. Not going to happen.”

“Don’t knock it til—”

Suddenly Lucas and the campfire disappeared.