Page 166 of Bruja (Alpha Girl 4)

Lucas’ panic hit me, but I blocked it out. The wolves howled and started rushing the barrier, but none got through.

It was just me stuck in here. Surrounded by the brujos and whatever they were trying to conjure.

I blinked as I tried to catch up with what was going on. I wanted to run back outside, but if I didn’t stop the brujos, then who would?

Their magic passed over me in a wave of energy that sent me reeling. I knocked into something on my way to the ground.

The men stood around me. Their arms stretched above their heads, hands touching as they chanted. Their eyes glowing red as they stared down at me, half-tranced.

Something bristly scratched my side and I screamed.

I wasn’t alone in the center anymore. I was too late. They’d raised a demon.

I crab-crawled back until I hit the legs of one of the mages. I didn’t dare look at the thing. Its energy alone made my skin crawl and the thick scent of sulfur made bile rise in my throat.

Something bright and glowing caught my eye. The crystal. I’d dropped it when I fell, but it was here, inside the circle, with me. It lay on the ground inches away from where the demon was crawling out of the underworld.

I didn’t want to get any closer to it, but I had to. I needed that crystal. It was the only weapon I had here.

Shaking, I got up on my knees and took a breath. My heart pounded in my ears as I flung myself toward the crystal.

As soon as I had it, I gripped it tight and stabbed it into the demon’s hand. “Back to hell where you belong.”

An explosion broke the night as soon as the crystal touched flesh.

I flew back, knocking into the brujos, finally breaking their circle. A cry rang out, raising all the hair on my arms. The portal slammed shut, cutting the demon’s arm off at the joint. Blackish green goo oozed from it, and even though I was trying not to look, I could still see it twitching and moving on its own.

Everything was quiet for a second before spells started flying. The wolves tore into the brujos. Snarls and cries of pain bombarded me.

I crawled away from the demon’s arm and then stood up slowly, taking in the surroundings. As I turned, I came face to face with Matt.

How did he get away from that wolf?

He raised his fist and I jumped back. I moved my fingers quickly through the air. The spell ignited and Matt stumbled back a few steps.

A wave of pain came through the bond as a spell hit Lucas. He wasn’t paying attention to the brujo in front of him as he tried to get to me.

Be careful! I shouted at him through the bond. I can take care of myself.

Lucas fought two more brujos, still trying to get to me, but Matt was coming at me again.

Where’s the athame? I’d dropped it over to the right. I searched the ground, trying to spot the metal.

A spell rolled by overhead, lighting the night, and I saw it.

Matt’s fingers flicked, and a burst of flame flew at me. I threw myself to the ground. Just a few feet away.

Matt closed the distance between us. “The brujos have taught me a lot.”

If I did a spell now, he’d just counter it. I needed a weapon. He wouldn’t expect me to use anything other than magic to fight him.

I scooted back a few inches as he stepped toward me. “I don’t need their help to drain you. Not anymore,” he said.

If I had more time, I’d ask what was going on with his coven that was making him resort to this, but it didn’t matter. Not anymore. It needed to end. Now.

I scooted back a little more, reaching my hand back as I watched Matt’s mouth move. He wasn’t saying the words aloud, but he didn’t need to. He just had to believe that they’d work and back it with enough magic.

I kept scooting back until my fingers brushed something metal.