Page 161 of Bruja (Alpha Girl 4)

We stepped over piles of ash and rot on our way out. By the time we reached the exit, I was more than ready to be outside. The cool mountain air flew over my skin as Lucas pushed open the door, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Now all I had to do was get to San Jose and somehow heal Raphael.

I was enjoying the air so much that I didn’t notice Lucas had stopped walking until I was jerked to a stop. “What?”

Lucas growled, looking ahead of us, and I turned. All I could see was forest. But I knew Lucas had much better night vision than I did.

I stepped back to stand next to him as we waited.

The brujos are still here, Lucas said in my head.

What? I tried answering back the same way.

There. In front of us. They’ll be here in a second.

They? My stomach knotted as I took in the severity of that word. It sounded like more than just one of those creepy brujos. Just Father Valentine? I asked.

No. All of them.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Ten men dressed in black robes stepped into view in a wall of black and red aura that made my heart beat faster. Father Valentine’s white hair made him stand out.

The pack isn’t far, Lucas said, his voice was deep and gravelly. His wolf was close. But if they attack, I’m going to switch forms. Don’t be scared. I’m going to try and keep him away from you—stall until the pack gets here—but keep the knife handy.

I felt along his pack’s bonds, but the other wolves wouldn’t be here. Not soon enough. I reached into my purse, feeling for the cool metal, and gripped it tightly. Okay.

“You surprise me,” Father Valentine said. “I didn’t expect you to get out alive.”

We needed more time. “Why did you do it?” Not that it mattered, but if I was going to stall, I might as well ask him something relevant. “I wasn’t doing anything to bother you. I would’ve taken what I needed from the temple and left. You never would’ve seen me again.”

Father Valentine grinned, and I took a step back. “I would’ve thought you’d have figured it out by now.”

Figured it out? I’d missed something. What was it?

The only reason he might not want me dead was if he was working with Luciana. “You taught her?”

He spread out his hands. “Who else?”

It made sense. Their auras weren’t the same exactly, but they both had a heavy dose of black in them.

Matt stepped around Father Valentine and a small gasp slipped free.

I hadn’t seen him since he attacked me. I hadn’t really had time to think about it. Everything had been a rush the past couple days. I would’ve thought anger was going to be my first reaction to him. But it wasn’t.

I saw Matt, and all I felt was fear. It was powerful—making my whole body shake with tremors. I wrapped my arms around myself.

I’m here with you, Lucas said, as he stepped in front of me, blocking Matt.

“You’re not still upset, are you, Claudia?” I ground my teeth at the sound of my name—Clod-ia—coming from him. “You don’t use your powers for yourself. I need them. So, you might as well give them to me.”

Give them? Give them? I’d given everything I had to everyone else. I knew what giving felt like. No. He’d tried to take them from me. And failed.

I stepped beside Lucas. I needed to be strong, not cowering behind him, or else I’d never feel strong and safe again. “I’m not giving you anything.”

Matt stepped closer, and the moonlight hit his face, revealing a cold look in his eyes. There was something wrong with him—with the color of his skin. It was too gray. I scanned him, trying to figure out what else was making my skin crawl, and I kept coming back to his eyes.

Matt had never been a nice guy. He was always rude, even when he’d been trying to win me over. But this was different. The way he looked at me…

It was the way Luciana looked at me. Like a thing instead of a person.