Teresa’s skin might be glowing, like every other wolf’s, but her eyes didn’t hold their usual lightness. “Are you doing okay?”

She shrugged. “Sure.”

Dastien reached over and grasped her hand as Teresa stared hard at the table. I’d always thought she was invincible, and she made it seem like everything that had happened to her was no big deal. But it was a huge deal. And it had only been a few days. I’d be stupid to think that she wasn’t still dealing with the repercussions.

“Don’t worry,” I said. “If this next spell doesn’t work, I might take a trip to see Tia Rosita later.”

“That’s actually a really good idea,” she said. “She’d definitely help. And it’d be good to see Axel.”

Meredith clapped her hands. “I’m liking this. I haven’t been off campus in forever. Let’s ditch class today.”

Adrian laughed. “You haven’t been to class in weeks. What’s the point in starting now?”

Teresa shrugged. “I don’t know. College?”

Christopher laughed into his cup of coffee. I guessed the wolves weren’t big on advanced degrees? I would’ve killed for the chance to go to college, but Luciana wouldn’t let me off the compound. I’d tried to convince her to give me Internet access for an online program, but that hadn’t flown either. After this I was going to have to figure something out. I had zero life skills and no home. The wolves wouldn’t let us stay here indefinitely.

“Well,” Teresa started as she pushed away from the table. “We’re going to need to take at least two cars. I’ll drive and who else?”

“I’ll drive,” Donovan said as he walked up to the table. “You won’t be leaving here without me.”

Meredith sighed. “I won’t die if I’m out of your sight.”

“Maybe, but I’d rather not have you in any more danger. All right?” Donovan was shorter than the average wolf, but for some reason that didn’t matter. He had so much power, it came off of him in waves, even in his human form. He commanded a presence that had nothing to do with the way he looked physically, and everything to do with what he was—one of the Seven. One of the most powerful werewolves alive.

Watching how these men treated their mates made me want a guy of my own.

But I needed a life first. My own life. Not one tied to Luciana. Or the coven. Or even my brother.

Most importantly, I needed to break ties with Luciana so that we could all get some sleep. “Give me a couple hours to try and figure this out. If I haven’t found a solution by then, we’ll leave for Tia Rosa’s.”

Teresa nodded. “Sounds like a plan.”

I stood up, leaving behind my barely eaten omelet. My stomach was in knots and I couldn’t stand to eat one more bite. Even though it was involuntary, in a way I was still helping Luciana. No one really knew how bad it was except my brother. If I didn’t find some way to break the oath soon, the wolves would find out what was really going on and they’d have a whole new reason to hate me.

Chapter Three

Three hours later, I was standing in the closet that housed the pack’s spell supplies. They called it metaphysics, which was laughable. It was magic and had almost nothing to do with science.

Wolves. I shook my head.

I scanned the shelves again, not believing that they could be missing sage. It was the base of almost every spell I did. I always had at least four bunches on had at all times. But there wasn’t a single solitary leaf in this so-called supply room. I hadn’t noticed it was missing before because I’d been trying crazy spells full of odd ingredients.

How was I supposed to break this oath if they didn’t even have the most basic supplies?

The shelves were carefully organized. Labels marked every vial and bottle. And it was alphabetized. I went back to the r’s and stopped at the t’s. Saffron. Safflower Oil. Sago Palm. Salamander. Salicin. Salsafy. Salt. Saxifrage.

“Son of a—” I cut myself off. I didn’t like cursing. Those words were too overused. Except in this instance, I couldn’t think of anything else that suited the situation better.

If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. I tried to live by the Peter Rabbit rule. But sometimes it was hard.

I stepped out of the room, and nearly walked into Cosette.

“Hi,” I said, trying not to sound suspicious. Mr. Dawson had loaned me one of the classrooms where the wolves attempted spells and the use of their supply closet. The others had been helping me, but Cosette had disappeared after breakfast without a word of explanation. Not that she owed me any, but something was going on with her. I had no idea what it was, but I’d seen her storming off, gesturing wildly as she spoke on her cell phone.

“I found this book.” She held out a leather-bound square without any other explanation.

She was helping me? I realized my mouth was hanging open in shock, and closed it. Cosette had been with the coven for three months. In that time, I’d gotten to know her as much as she let me. She wasn’t usually helpful. Sometimes she seemed frustrated by it. Almost like she knew more than she let on, but couldn’t let us in.