I looked up into his amber-colored eyes. “Yeah. Really okay.”

“You sure?”

“Absolutely.” I took a big bite of my burger.

Then dad dropped the bomb. “So, I want to talk to you two about the ceremony tonight.”

I started to choke. Yup. Today had been going just a little too well. A little too perfectly. This was probably the last thing I wanted to talk about with my father. Especially in front of everyone.

The blissful moment was officially over.

Dastien patted my back as I coughed and gulped down Mom’s homemade lemonade. “Sure,” I said when I could talk again. “What about it?”

“From what Michael’s told me, this is like getting married. You turned eighteen today, which means you’re still way too young to be so serious—especially about someone you barely know.”

Oh jeez. The problem was that I used to agree with him, so I didn’t really have a leg to stand on. Even a week ago, the thought of going through the whole bonding ceremony had given me severe heart palpitations, but somewhere in the last forty-eight hours, my perspective had changed. When I finally shifted forms, I’d let go of what I thought my life was going to be like and accepted what it was now. Being wolfy no longer scared me, and I was more than ready for the ceremony. It would cement my bond to Dastien, and that was something I wanted more than anything.

Dad was right about one thing, though. It was like getting married, except for werewolves, there was no such thing as divorce.

Do you want to wait? Dastien asked through our bond.

You bit me. I think it’s a little too late for you to back out.

I’m not backing out. I’m just trying to consider your father’s position.

“If I might say something.” Chris smiled, but I was all too aware of the apology in his eyes. He was going to say something I might not like.

“Sure,” Dad said.

My heart sped. I had no idea what might come out of Chris’ mouth—he could be a little unpredictable at times—and if Dad was already worried…

“They can talk to each other without speaking and read each other’s emotions,” Chris said. “So they’re pretty much as together as they can be already.”

Why the hell was he bringing this up? It only made us sound like freaks. And honestly, it was something that I was still adjusting to.

Dad twisted to stare at me more fully. “You can?”

I shoved my burger in my mouth, not sure what to say. “Mmm.”

“John. Leave them alone. She’s going to be fine,” Mom said.

“She will be,” Donovan agreed. “I know it seems rushed and odd, but this is totally normal. Especially for True Mates. You couldn’t find a better match for your daughter. He’s financially sound, responsible, and would do anything to make sure Tessa’s happy.”

Great. Now they were talking about me like I wasn’t there. This was too awkward. I jammed another bite into my already full mouth so that I couldn’t be expected to say anything.

“Am I the only one who thinks this is completely insane? She’s—”

“John.” Mom’s voice was a warning to drop it.

“No. She’s my daughter. She’s still practically—”

“She’s eighteen—”

“Exactly. Still a child. People change so much between eighteen and twenty-five. She doesn’t know who she is yet or who she even wants to be. She—”

“Stop it. Like it or not, Teresa’s legally an adult. If she hadn’t been bitten, she would’ve been starting her transition as leader of the coven.” Mom blew out a breath.

God. This was mortifying. Did they have to do this now? On my birthday? In front of everyone?