He headed into Meredith’s room, lifted her into his arms, and left with Dr. Gonzales.

My alarm went off, telling me it was time to go to the cafeteria before class.

Screw classes. I’d grab some food in the common room downstairs. I had a curse to break and not much time to do it in.

Chapter Three

In times of crisis, I’d found it best to keep moving forward. I wasn’t sure what the right first step was to help Meredith, but I had to do something. Eventually, I’d figure out what would work. I had to.

Calling my brother was at the top of my list. He’d know how to reach the cousins and might have some advice, too. When I first got bitten, he’d hung out with our cousins a few times.

I grabbed my cell and hit Axel’s number. He didn’t answer. I hung up and called again. No answer.

Shit. He was probably still sleeping off last night’s party.

I didn’t have my cousins’ numbers. This was probably dumb in retrospect, but the two times I’d seen them, I’d been kind of distracted. The first time I’d been in a rush to save Dastien from being eaten by a den of vampires. The second time they’d saved me from getting my ass beat by Imogene.

If anyone would know how to get in touch with them, Mom would. But she’d ask questions—which was why I’d tried Axel first.

Screw it.

Mom picked up on the first ring.

“Is everything okay?”

I almost laughed. “Why’s that the first thing you say when I call?”

“Because lately, every time you call, something’s been wrong.”

Oh. That kind of blew. And it was totally true. “Right. Well, yes. I’m fine. But no, everything isn’t okay.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Meredith’s sick.” I hated the sound of that. “I need to talk to Claudia or Raphael. You wouldn’t happen to know their numbers or anything, would you?”

“No.” Her voice was firm, like I’d just asked her if I could start stripping.

I paced my room. “Mom. Do you—”

“I know where they live, but I don’t have their numbers.”

Awesome. Maybe this wasn’t going as bad as I thought. “Great. Where—”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea that I tell you, honey. They’re all a little…” She sighed. “…upset about your situation right now.”

I couldn’t take that answer. She had to tell me. “I’m not joking. Meredith could die, and I really don’t care how upset they are.”

“Explain.” So, I did. When I got to the end, she was quiet for a minute. “I know you wonder why I didn’t bring you back to Texas sooner, but the truth is, I still don’t agree with how La Alquelarre—the coven—is being run. If you go, they’ll try to make you stay. Luciana’s in charge, and she isn’t a friend of the pack. She’ll try to manipulate you, and needing help will make it that much easier.”

That sounded like a whole bunch of not fun, but I didn’t have a ton of options. “Mom. Please. I’m strong. I’m a werewolf for God’s sake and I’m not about to let anyone manipulate me.”

“You don’t understand. If they have something that you want, they’ll…” Mom stopped herself. “I’m worried about what could happen to you.”

“You shouldn’t worry so much.” I had it covered for both of us. “I’m going to be fine, but Meredith might not be.” I paused, hoping that would sink in. “The address, please.” I squeezed my eyes shut and crossed my fingers.

She was quiet for so long this time, I had to check to make sure she hadn’t hung up. “I’m sorry, but I can’t. Don’t you wonder why I kept you away from them?”

“Sure…” Not that it was relevant right now.