Wow. Mr. Dawson actually listened to me. Which meant that something was up. A million questions popped into my head. I opened my mouth, but didn’t get a word out.

Donovan put a finger to my lips. “No. Remember what I just said?”

Meredith made a squeaking noise. Her cheeks were bright red. I’d never seen the girl blush before and had kind of assumed that she was un-embarrass-able.

I couldn’t stop the chuckle. “This is Meredith. She might be a little overwhelmed by you.” Meredith punched my arm. Hard. “Ow.”

“Tessa!” Meredith whisper shouted at me.

I laughed harder this time.

Their gaze met and I could swear I felt the heat of it burning. There were some major mutual appreciation vibes going on.

“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Meredith Savannah Molloney.” He reached across me to grab her hand and pressed his nose to her pulse point. “I’ll be seeing you again real soon.”

What the hell. Donovan Murry was totally hitting on Meredith.

“Right. I best be off. You ladies enjoy your lunch.” He gave us another of his smiles, crystal eyes twinkling.

Meredith punched my shoulder when he left. “Holy shit. Did that just happen?”

I fanned myself. “It totally did.”

“He’s so hot. And can’t you just feel that power. God.”

I laughed. “He is kind of potent. And while we’re on the subject, I met Sebastian Braun too. Same deal with him.”

Shannon pushed back from the table. “I’ll leave you to your gossiping.”

I couldn’t win with her. It was much easier to not try.

“Don’t worry about her. She’s just jealous. Of both of us,” Meredith said. The bell rang. “This isn’t getting you out of spilling. Tonight. You will tell me everything. Especially about Donovan. Or face the consequences.”

“I think I’ve had enough consequences for one lifetime.” I giggled when she shoved me. “Tonight. I promise. When not so many people are around.”



I should’ve known it was going to be a bad martial arts class when I walked into the gym and saw Dastien instead of Mr. Dawson. Everyone was already sparring. I guessed the attack made everyone a little on edge.

Chris waved me over. We started our normal stretching routine. I couldn’t help but peek at Dastien. He stood reclined against the far wall watching as I stretched.

He mouthed, “Focus.”

I quickly looked away, turning bright red for sure. I finally got into the fighting stance Chris had taught me, and tried to pretend Dastien wasn’t there.

“Forgetting something?” Chris said.

I glanced at my feet, but they looked right to me. My shoulders seemed right too. “I don’t think so.”


My head so wasn’t in gear. I tried not to act awkward, but was failing miserably. Every time I looked at Chris I felt guilty. Dastien watching me only made me feel extra guilty. I had to focus on the job at hand. After last night, I knew I was way behind on a key supernatural skill.

Plus, if I could get through this class, then maybe I could talk to Chris after and tell him he couldn’t kiss me again.

I tucked my gloves in my waistband, and Chris nodded. “Let’s work on flipping.”