Page 287 of Beauty Queens

“Mmm-hmm. Pretty pictures and bullet points.” The agent sat, lotus-style, on the table.

“Oh, hey,” Nicole said, averting her eyes.

Shanti sat down at the computer. “We’re making a PowerPoint, Teen Dreams.”


“How’s it coming, Shanti?” a nervous Mary Lou asked six minutes later.

Shanti concentrated on the laptop. “Almost there.”

Tiara looked over her shoulder. “Ooh, put in the picture with the mountains. That one was so pretty.”

“Fifty-nine. Fifty-eight. Fifty-seven …”

“Less than a minute to go, Bollywood,” Nicole said.

“Hello! Well aware, thank you. ’Kay. Uploading now …”

Shanti pressed PLAY, and the PowerPoint presentation was in motion. It was an image of Ladybird Hope waving from a Corporation private plane.

Fun Facts About Ladybird Hope & The Corporation!

Tried to kill us

Kept rescuers from finding us

Made secret arms deal with Republic of ChaCha

Assassinated world leader

Her pageant-wear line poorly made

Again, tried to kill us

“Go to second screen!” Nicole said.

“Give it a second,” Shanti said. “I put it on slide show. That’s how we do it in IP.”

Two seconds later, an island scene came up.

“I picked that shot,” Tiara said, clapping. “Isn’t it pretty?”

There Is a Secret Corporation Compound!

Polluting environment

Harming animals

Making weapons

Avoiding taxes

Forming secret alliances

“Twenty-eight. Twenty-seven. Twenty-six …”

“Come on, come on,” Adina pleaded softly.