Page 284 of Beauty Queens

“Eight fifty-one. Eight fifty …”

“Crap!” Adina said. “What’s the name of that thing that always stops the bomb in the movies?”

“Manual system override,” Agent Jones said dreamily.

The girls turned to him.

“Manual system override,” Nicole repeated.

“Mmm-hmm. Stops it.”

“Agent Jones,” Nicole asked carefully. “Do you know how to override the system manually?”

“Screw the system, man. You’re beautiful. I’m beautiful. This table is beautiful.”

“We are all beautiful. You know what would be most beautiful? Overriding the f**king system, asswipe!” Jennifer yelled.

Agent Jones frowned. “Men have feelings, too. You bruised the petals of my man flower.”

“Christ,” Jennifer hissed.

“Apologize,” he said.

“What? No way.”

“Apologize or no system override.”

“Jen …”

“This douche nozzle tried to kill us. A lot.”

“Apologize!” everyone screamed.

“Okay! I am sorry … Man Flower.”

The agent wrapped her in a big hug. “It’s PowerPoint.”

“I apologize, PowerPoint,” Jennifer said through lips crushed against Agent Jones’s chest.

“The system is PowerPoint only. Harris forgot to change it back. Let’s communicate with our fingers.”

“Agent Jones! So … we have to make a PowerPoint presentation to override the system?” Shanti slapped a hand to her forehead. “Are you kidding me?”

“Mmm-hmm. Pretty pictures and bullet points.” The agent sat, lotus-style, on the table.

“Oh, hey,” Nicole said, averting her eyes.

Shanti sat down at the computer. “We’re making a PowerPoint, Teen Dreams.”


“How’s it coming, Shanti?” a nervous Mary Lou asked six minutes later.

Shanti concentrated on the laptop. “Almost there.”

Tiara looked over her shoulder. “Ooh, put in the picture with the mountains. That one was so pretty.”

“Fifty-nine. Fifty-eight. Fifty-seven …”