Page 278 of Beauty Queens

“You and Ladybird …?”

“It is she who arranged for me to be here. To buy the weapons. But we were betrayed by these Corporation types who do not understand our love.”

Adina’s mind whirred with connections. “Wait a minute — you and Ladybird Hope? She’s behind the arms deal? But then … Ladybird Hope knew we were here. Ladybird organized the pageant. Ladybird is on The Corporation’s Board of Directors.”

“Yes, yes,” MoMo said, gesturing in a get on with it way. “She multitasks, my little minx.”

“Don’t you see? If Ladybird organized all of this, she’s the one who tried to frame you for our murder!”

MoMo’s eyes narrowed. His mustache twitched like a bug suddenly on its back. “My ears burn with hate for what you say. You will answer for this to Ladybird herself. I avenge the General.” He raised his gun.

“No!” Adina said. “You’re right. Let’s talk to Ladybird. I’m sure she’ll clear everything up. We can talk to her back at the compound.”

“Ladybird is here? Now?”

“Yes!” Adina lied. “Plus, you will love the compound. Weapons galore! And gummi bears.”

MoMo clicked the gun against his teeth, thinking. Then he leveled it at them again. “You will take me to this compound now.”

Agent Jones bent over, gasping for breath, his gun resting against his knee for a second. The blonde had given him a sharp kick to the kidneys and sprinted ahead. Agent Jones had lived through a lot in his years with the agency, but tonight marked the absolute nadir. If he didn’t get this under control, his entire career was headed straight for the crapper. No pension. No inscribed pen set. Just the knowledge that he’d been defeated by a pack of teen beauty queens. He flashed on an image of his father in his clown suit just before that final party. In the memory, his old man stood before the hall mirror, the stubble on his cheeks poking through his white face makeup like beach scrub. “Happy birthday,” he’d croaked to his reflection, practicing a smile, but only managing a grimace.

“I’m not making anybody a balloon animal today,” Agent Jones said to himself. He started running, pouring on speed despite the ache in his back. He saw a curve of blond hair poking out from behind a tree just ahead and smiled. At last his luck was turning. He’d take down Miss Texas. Any ambivalence he’d felt about killing these beauty queens had been erased by this one’s relentless campaign against him. She’d come to symbolize everything that was wrong with his mediocre life. Carefully, he crept toward the tree where she was hiding. “Gotcha,” he whispered, reaching out for her. “Ow.” He slapped at his neck where the mosquito had stung him and came away with a needle-thin dart. Before he could react, another hit him in the butt. He looked up to see Taylor pulling the tube from her mouth. His hand reached out and came away with a blond hairpiece. Off to his right, the ghost of his father seemed to be standing in the trees, grinning. And then the jungle began to turn upside down.

The pirates and the girls had made it back to the compound conference room.

“Petra!” Sinjin ran for her. He had not removed her bathrobe.

Petra threw her arms around Sinjin. Then she slapped his face. Then she kissed him.

“What the hell happened?” she demanded. “I ought to kick your ass and break up with you.”

“I know! I’ll explain everything, I swear.” He rubbed his cheek and gave a naughty smile. “Hot! Like a she-cat. Grrrr!”

“Call me a she-cat again and I will kick your ass on principle.”

“Right. Got it.” Sinjin saluted. He hugged Petra. “I was really worried about you.”

“Color me unconvinced,” Petra said.

“When I saw that dead man in the lagoon, I thought the black shirts were after us and that we’d brought further danger to you babes,” Sinjin explained.

“Because it’s all about you,” Adina singsonged.

“I thought if we left, they might follow us and leave you babes alone. And hopefully, we’d make it to a port and get help. Not a great idea, but the best I had at the moment. And then Ahmed discovered a jar of lady hair remover that turned out to be a bomb… .”

“That didn’t work, ’cause whoever engineered it was a moron,” Ahmed finished.

“Anyway, we were heading out to sea when my conscience got the better of me. Bloody inconvenient, having one of those. I thought of my lady love, Miss Petra, back here, eating grubs from the sand, and me wearing her heels on the ship — mind, I looked unbelievable in them, a glam-rock captain of all captains. But there I was on the bow in m’ heels and fishnets, the wind blowing my hair about, all romance-cover hero, making my man ni**les stand up all nice ’n’ twimbly. And I thought, ‘Wait a minute, hold on — why are we running? We can’t do this. We’ve got to face these arsebuckets ourselves.’ So I said, ‘Mates, are we mice or are we men? If those ladies are in trouble, then by Blackbeard, we’ll stand with them and fight. So let’s turn this ship around. One for all and all for one, ladies included, even playing field, what’s fair for the goose is fair for the gander, damn the torpedoes, don’t stop till you get enough, rock the Casbah, God save the Queen, and full speed ahead.’”

“Actually, Cap’n, you said, ‘Cor blimey, I need to take a piss.’ Then you said them other bits,” George said.

o;No!” Adina said. “You’re right. Let’s talk to Ladybird. I’m sure she’ll clear everything up. We can talk to her back at the compound.”

“Ladybird is here? Now?”

“Yes!” Adina lied. “Plus, you will love the compound. Weapons galore! And gummi bears.”

MoMo clicked the gun against his teeth, thinking. Then he leveled it at them again. “You will take me to this compound now.”