Page 29 of Vacations from Hell

Liz raises an eyebrow. “You think Jay is a vampire?”

“Not anymore,” she says. “Although he does kind of look like a vampire. Don’t you think?”

“What does a vampire look like exactly?” I ask, still giggling.

“You know. Pale skin. Dark hair. Brooding eyes.”

Liz smiles. “Sounds sexy.”

“Vampires are sexy,” Hailey admits. “Brad Pitt? Sexy. Angel? Sexy. Edward? Super sexy. I would totally do it with a vampire.”

Liz pokes me. “Speaking of doing it…”

“I know, I know.”

“Tonight is your last chance,” she continues. “You are going to find your vampire boyfriend and tie him down until you’ve done it. Enough is enough. Got it?”

“Got it,” I say, pounding my fists against the lounge’s handles. “Tonight is the night. No idea what I’m going to say to him but—”

“Why do you have to talk to him at all?” She wiggles her eyebrows.

“Get your mind out of the gutter.” I laugh.

“Just try to get yours in the gutter, where it belongs.”

“She has to say something to him,” Hailey says. “She can’t just start making out with him.”

“I very much doubt he would mind that,” Liz says.

“I don’t know why you’re going to waste your virginity on him anyway,” Hailey says. “Sure he’s cute, but he seems like a jerk. In all likelihood he hooked up with at least two other girls in three days. He doesn’t sound like a catch. He sounds like a player.”

Liz waves Hailey’s words away. “Players are the best choices. Trust me. He’s the one. You’ll have a lot more fun.”

I nod. I know she’s right. “So what should I do?”

“Be fearless.”

“Do what you want,” Hailey says. “But if I were you I’d shy away from hickeys.”

When I see him at the bar, I know the time is right.

This is it.

He’s sitting by himself. Waiting. For me.

Okay, fine, probably not for me, but he’s alone, isn’t he? Good enough.

Hailey and Liz are in our room. Liz told Hailey she could borrow an outfit.

I square my shoulders and take a deep breath. I can do this. I can do this.

“Hi,” I say, my heart pounding. “Can I buy you a drink?”

He gives me a gleaming smile. “You want to buy me a drink?”

“I offered, didn’t I?”

“It must be my lucky night,” he says, eyes twinkling. Omigod, he smells amazing. Musky and salty and absolutely delicious. I knew he would!