The last time Isaiah had seen this vision, his mama had been here, telling him to get out quick. She had fussed at this girl, told her to hush up. He looked for his mother now but did not see her.

“Please. Come to Bountiful,” the girl pleaded.

The Shadow Men are after us. We’re running from them.

“They don’t know about me. They forgot me. Come here. You’ll be safe. They won’t find you. We must stop the King of Crows before it’s too late!”

Wait! What’s your name? Isaiah thought.

“Sarah Beth,” the girl yelled. The dust billowed behind her pale form. “Sarah Beth Olson. Get to Bountiful, Isaiah! Before it’s too late!”

First we gotta get out of this tunnel. Say, can you see a way out?

“You’re in a tunnel under a museum, you said?”

Yes! In New York City. Manhattan.

The girl shut her eyes. In a minute, she opened them wide. “Isaiah. You’ve got to get out of there right now, you hear? Something’s coming. Go back. Take the other tunnel. Oh, Isaiah, you must hurry. Get out now and come to Bountiful before—”

Isaiah came out of his vision, dizzy and disoriented. Memphis’s worried face was the first thing he saw, hovering above his own. Isaiah sat up too quickly and caught his brother in the nose.


Bill steadied Isaiah’s face in his strong hands. “You all right, Little Man?”

“Y-yes, sir.” He tasted blood. He’d bit his tongue. And he was sitting in the fetid water.

Bill helped Isaiah to his feet. “You had a vision?”

Isaiah nodded. His head ached. The sewer smell was making him nauseated.

“What’d you see?” Memphis asked.

“She said… she said to go back. Take the other tunnel,” Isaiah said, panicked.

“Who said? Isaiah, you’re not making sense,” Memphis said.

“Hush. Hush now.” Bill held up a hand. “You hear something?”

The boys listened for something under the constant drip of water. Memphis nodded.

“The Shadow Men?” Isaiah whispered. “She said… she said…” The tunnel ahead began to fill with flickering light and deep, guttural growls.

“Not Shadow Men,” Memphis said ominously.

The sound was getting closer.

“Back up,” Memphis said.

“The hell with that. Run!” Bill said.

Memphis grabbed Isaiah’s hand, and they raced back the way they’d come.

“This way!” Memphis said, ducking into the other tunnel, picking up speed as they spied the daylight ahead.


Bennington Apartments