“Something’s not on the level about it,” Evie said.

“Yeah? You think there’s something not right about a buncha people claiming they’re a superior race? You don’t say,” Sam grumbled.

Mr. Smith led them through a spacious common room. An attendant played the piano while one of the patients bowed a violin. Some of the patients sang along. Others sat mute, staring. In one corner, four men had formed a circle, their chairs facing one another.

“We have a lot of shell-shocked men,” the warden said gently, following Evie’s line of sight.

“Oh,” Evie said, thinking of all the boys like James who’d fought in the Great War—the ones like her brother, who never made it home, and the broken men in this room, trapped in their own private hells.

It was curious, though. The men were performing the same pantomime motions with their hands. And then, suddenly, they began laughing all at once, as if they’d just been told a joke no one else could hear. There was something oddly familiar about the scene, and a shiver passed down Evie’s back.

The lights dimmed down to nothing. In a few seconds, they revved back up.

“What was that?” Sam asked.

Mr. Smith smiled sympathetically. “Don’t be alarmed. That happens quite a lot. They’re blasting rock in the Hell Gate to make the passage deeper. Those explosions coupled with the violent currents affect us here in the hospital.”

“Well, it is called the Hell Gate,” Sam joked.

“From the Dutch hellegat,” Woody said. “It means ‘bright passage.’ Except that it’s not. It’s the most dangerous water in New York City. Those currents are so bad the sailors renamed it: hellhole. Just in case you had any notions about swimming back to Manhattan.”

“And when can I see Luther Clayton?” Evie said.

Mr. Smith’s expression was pained. “Oh, dear. I thought it had been made clear. We can’t allow it. By order of the police.”

“But we’ve come all this way!” Evie said. “I’d only need a few minutes and—and think how much good it would do for Luther to know I forgive him.”

“And it sure would be great for the story,” Woody added. “Just the sort of thing that makes those state boys with the money take notice.”

The warden remained unmoved. “I’m sorry, Miss O’Neill. I wish I could allow it. But rules are rules. Even for radio stars.”

“I’ll bet Sarah Snow could get in,” Evie griped once they’d managed to ditch Mr. Smith under the pretense of Evie’s “delicate Diviner sensibilities” needing a rest. She lay on a cot in a receiving room.

“Lamb Chop, you gotta let go of this Sarah Snow business,” Sam said.

“Easy for you to say. You’re not the one watching that Jesus viper take over your spot.”

“Jesus… viper…” Woody said, writing.

“Woody, you print that and I will throw your body right into the Hell Gate.” Evie sat up and tossed the compress she’d been given to the end of the cot. “Applesauce! How are we gonna get to Luther Clayton?”

“Won’t be easy. Look here,” Sam said, walking over to the wall, which boasted a proud, framed photograph of the asylum on its opening day. “This is where we are now.” Sam pointed to the main building out front. “And according to the chatty Mr. Smith, this is where they hold the most disturbed patients.” Sam pointed to a three-story rectangular ward all the way in the back. “This pavilion. Top floor. That’s where Luther Clayton is. Where they don’t allow visitors. Not even radio stars,” Sam said in perfect imitation.

“I am not leaving without seeing him,” Evie swore.

“Baby Vamp, with your moxie and my good looks…” Sam spread his arms wide.

“So we’re half-doomed is what you’re telling me. Well. I suppose you can always just…” Evie wiggled her fingers.

“What, dry my nail varnish? Pretend I’m a bird? Play an imaginary piano?” Sam said.

“No! Do your don’t see me trick.”

“How come yours is a ‘gift’ and mine is a ‘trick’? I’m insulted.”

“Just make yourself useful, Sam.”

Woody laughed. “Shame you two called off your engagement. You’re a perfect couple. Why don’t you former lovebirds wait here. I’ll step out and see if the coast is clear,” Woody said. He slipped into the hall, leaving Sam and Evie alone together.