“I think you just happened,” Sister Walker said, breathless with new excitement.

Ling put her hand on the wall. It was warm. “We created some sort of energy field together.”

“I think we should try again. Right away,” Sister Walker said.

“Nothing doin’! Why should we do anything for you?” Sam said.

“What Sam said!” Evie chimed in.

“I know how angry you are. We made mistakes. We have a lot to answer for. But the threat we face is enormous. I’m asking…” Will looked to Sister Walker, who nodded. “We’re asking, if you can put aside your misgivings long enough to continue the work.”

For a moment, everyone was quiet. There was nothing but the crackling of the fire.

“Maybe we should see what we can do. Not for them,” Ling said at last, nodding toward Will and Sister Walker. “But for us.”

“If Ling’s in, so am I,” Henry said.

Isaiah came and stood beside Sam. “I’ll do it.”

“Isaiah, you don’t know what you’re promising,” Memphis said.

“I do, too!”

“Sam?” Evie asked.

“Yeah, okay. I’m in. But for us,” Sam said.

“Poet? Whaddaya think?” Theta asked.

Memphis let his arms hang at his sides. He took in a deep breath, then let it out. “For my mother,” he said.

“We’ll continue,” Ling said to Will and Sister Walker. “But if you lie to us even once more…”

“We’ll never, ever come back,” Evie finished. She gave Will a hard look. “And I will never speak to you again.”

Will nodded. “Understood.”

“What do we do? Do we stand in a circle and hold hands?” Isaiah asked.

“If you ask us to sing camp songs, I refuse,” Evie said.

“Gather here. On the rug.” Will pushed back some chairs and the Diviners made a circle.

“Now what happens?” Memphis asked.

“I want you to shut your eyes and concentrate.”

“Shouldn’t it be something specific?” Ling asked. “Something we can all see in our minds?”

Evie looked at Henry. “Do not say clowns.”

Henry sighed. “Well, now you’ve done it. Clowns are all I can see.”

“Ling’s right. I want you to concentrate on something concrete,” Sister Walker said. “Think of creating an energy field… around this credenza.” Sister Walker marched over to a long, beautifully carved chest. “Stare at the credenza. Concentrate. Be aware of your energy as well as the energy coming from your fellow Diviners.”

It was very still. Beside him, Sam could hear Henry breathing, and soon, the rhythm of his breath matched the rhythm of Sam’s breathing, and Evie’s matched Sam’s, all the way around the circle. Sitting on the sofa outside the circle, Theta could feel her own restless energy wanting to join the others, like a horse longing to run with the herd. She could feel Memphis’s heartbeat strong inside her, lining up perfectly with hers. A great hum filled Evie’s ears, like a strong wind carrying a million voices inside. An aura appeared around the credenza, the air dancing with pinpricks of light that stretched to the Diviners themselves. The hum became a roar. The chandelier directly above them flared bright and hot, shattering the bulbs and showering the carpet with broken glass. With a shriek, the Diviners dropped one another’s hands.

“Aaah!” Sam said, putting his hands over his ears. “Did you feel that?”