Ling blinked, coming fully around. “Wh-what happened?”

“Sam went invisible. Unfortunately, he came back,” Evie told her.

Ling opened her notebook, excited. “Where—where did you go when you disappeared? Do you feel strange in any way?”

“Sam is strange in every way,” Jericho said, shaking his head and getting his bearings. Mabel and Will were still under, Evie noticed.

“I didn’t go anywhere. I was right here. But it’s funny. I felt really alive—like I was hitting on all sixes!” Sam scratched at his arms. “Jeepers, that smarts. Aaah! Feels like ants!”

“That could be an aftereffect of the invisibility,” Sister Walker said.

Sam left his chair to rub his back against the grizzly bear’s stiff hide. “Wait—my swell new power gives me a rash? Aww, that ain’t fair at all!”

Theta snorted, drawing Sister Walker’s eyes. Too late, Theta realized that she should have faked going under for longer. The Metaphysickometer hummed loudly as the needle shot to the other side for a second, then settled.

Sister Walker eyed her suspiciously. “Theta, have you ever experienced any abilities?”

Theta tucked her hands under her thighs in case they got the idea to heat up. “No.”

“Were either of your parents gifted?”

“I wouldn’t know. They left me on a doorstep when I was a baby.”

“Oh. I’m sorry,” Sister Walker said.

“Why doesn’t Sam’s power affect you, Miss Walker?” Evie asked. The others were starting to come around now, and Ling was filling them in on the breakthrough.

“Training,” Sister Walker said. “I suspect Memphis’s healing powers make him immune. As for you, Evie, it would appear that you and Sam share a special bond.”

Evie looked over at Sam, who was still scratching himself against the bear. “Swell,” she said.

Sister Walker still scrutinized Theta. “It’s possible that you have some latent power you’re only now coming into, Theta. If you could let us test you—”

“The only test I’m doing is a screen test for Vitagraph. And then it’s on to Hollywood, to one of those pretty bungalows with a lemon tree out back. They say the sun shines out there all the time, Miss Walker. I like the sun. So, please, just look after my pals and leave me out of it,” Theta said, grabbing her pocketbook. “’Scuse me. I need to powder my nose.”

Theta sneaked out to the small scrap of garden behind the museum. She unfolded the note that had been left on her makeup table back at the theater. Somebody knows.

“You ever gonna tell ’em?” Sam said from behind her.

Theta quickly stuffed the note deep into her purse. “You might warn a girl before sneaking up on her.”

“Defeats the purpose of sneaking up.” Sam folded his arms and leaned against the cold br

ick. “Asked you a question.”

Theta squished a mealy acorn under her shoe. “Tell ’em what?”

“About what happened down in those tunnels, how you set fire to one of those wraiths with your bare hands.” When Theta didn’t answer, Sam pleaded with her. “Theta, you got a big power. Bigger than mine. We might need it?”

“Shhh!” Theta hurried over to Sam and lowered her voice. “Whatever this disease is inside me, I just want it gone.”

“Maybe they can help you with it,” Sam tried.

“Nothing doing.”


“Because I’m the only one of us whose powers are bad!” Theta blurted. “Makes me feel like I’m dirty or something. Like a killer.” Theta looked Sam in the eyes. She hated feeling so vulnerable. “You gonna snitch on me?”