
“I don’t want in anymore. Not to that club. We’ll make our own exhibitions.”

She gave Jake Marlowe’s sprawling vision of America’s future a last backward glance.

“To hell with Marlowe,” she said.

Mabel threaded through the crowds at the exhibition, her heart beating wildly. Jake Marlowe would take the stage at the Grand Pavilion at one o’clock. It was now twelve forty-five. She had to move fast. She tried to remember what she’d seen when Arthur had shown them the blueprints. The Hall of Wonders was in the center of the fairgrounds. Inside was a custodians’ room. That was where Arthur was supposed to go to pick up the rifle Gloria would bring hidden inside a baby carriage. Aron would help put the rifle together. Luis would toss a tear gas grenade to provide cover for Arthur’s escape. Mabel’s job had been to buy the bullets and provide an alibi, if it came to that. Her stomach hurt anew at the thought of what she’d done. Almost done—there was still time.

It was Gloria she spied first, standing off to the side in the Hall of Wonders with the baby carriage, just another spectator. Mabel marched up to Gloria and grabbed her shoulder.

Gloria’s smile was a second too late. Her eyes showed panic. “Golly, Mabel! This is a surprise. What are you doing here?”

“I won’t let you assassinate Marlowe,” Mabel said.

“Keep your voice down,” Gloria hissed. “Do you want to draw the attention of every cop in this place?”

“Maybe I do.”

Gloria narrowed her eyes. “I knew you couldn’t be trusted. And anyway, you’re too late. The plan’s in motion.”

“I’ll go straight to Mr. Marlowe. I won’t let Arthur shoot him.”

“Shoot him?” Gloria let out a small laugh. “Still the Girl Scout. Do you think we’re just taking out Marlowe?”

“Aren’t you?”

“He’ll be onstage with Mr. Rockefeller and the mayor. We can take them all out. We’ll send a message they can’t ignore—that they don’t own us. This is a new American revolution!”

Gloria’s words fought to make sense inside Mabel’s brain. “I don’t understand.”

“You don’t need a gun when you can use a bomb.”

Mabel felt dizzy and hot. “But… the Grand Pavilion will be full of people,” Mabel said, and her voice sounded like it belonged to someone in another room. “Innocent people.”

“No one’s innocent,” Gloria said.

“I have to talk to Arthur.”

“It was Arthur’s idea, you little fool!”

“I won’t let you do this.”

Mabel turned to go. Gloria pulled her close. Mabel felt the gun in her side.

“Move,” Gloria said. “Now.”

Gloria forced Mabel into the custodians’ room. Aron and Luis were there. Seeing Mabel, they jumped up from their seats.

“What’s she doing here?” Aron asked.

“She came to stop us.”

“Please. Please don’t do this,” Mabel pleaded.


n crossed his arms. He seemed nervous. “No one listens to reason. They only pay attention to force. It’s the only way.”