Roy’s smile hardened. “I’ll show you funny.”

With surprising quickness, he leaped up and grabbed a handful of her hair, squeezing her close to him. Theta struggled against his hold, but he had her good. He tugged hard. Electric pain shot from her scalp down her neck. Tears sprang to her eyes. It had been two years, long enough for this pain to be a shock.

The Roys of the world coming more and more.

Theta screamed as the heat roared through her, bright and hot and full of vengeance. The scream was not one of fear—it was an announcement. A warning before the charge. Roy fell back onto the floor, gasping. The fire burned brightly inside Theta; she glowed like an avenging angel. He put up a hand to block the bright heat. He was afraid, just as she had been all those times before.

“Wh-what are you?”

“Justice,” Theta said.

“Please,” Roy begged. ?

??Please don’t.”

“Please don’t what?”

“Please don’t hurt me.”

How many times had she pleaded with him using those same words? And every time, he’d hurt her anyway. Until she’d learned not to make a sound.

“I want you to hurt, Roy. I want to see you suffer. Like you made me suffer. I want to hear you beg me to stop, you son of a bitch.”

Smoke rose from her coal-hot palms. When she pressed it to his cheek, it would hurt. It would mark him forever. She wanted that. Wanted him to wear her brand for the rest of his life. After all, she’d been wearing his on her soul all this time.

Roy was on his knees, begging. Theta took a step closer, and he shouted for help. Like she’d cried for help once upon a time, and no help came. She was done with that now. She reached for him. The door splintered open. And then she heard Memphis: “Theta! Theta, don’t do this. Please.” It was so hard to keep her mind on his words. The fire wanted out.

“Theta. We’re here. We’re all here.” Evie’s voice.

Vaguely, she was aware of them. There was Henry, looking more worried than she’d ever seen him. Evie, Sam, and Ling were beside him. Memphis took a step forward.

“You should stay back,” Theta said.

“See, I can’t seem to do that,” Memphis said.

He took another step forward.

“I could hurt you.”

“No, you won’t. You’re not Roy.”

Theta had started to cry. “I want to hurt him. I want to kill him.”

“I know that feeling,” Memphis said. “I got no right to ask you to let him go, but I’m asking anyway. For your sake, not his.”

“Get this crazy bitch offa me!” Roy screeched.

Theta turned to him, palm out. Her body was aflame. She got close enough for him to shrink back from her heat. Know what’s in your heart, she heard Miss Addie telling her. “Settle,” she whispered to herself, and, as if it had always known she was in charge, the heat abated. Theta shivered from the sudden loss. But not for long, because her friends had her in a hug like a shield. Roy jumped and ran for the door. On his way out, he pointed a finger at Theta and her friends. “This ain’t over. I’ll get you for this!”

Theta and Memphis were locked in each other’s arms. Memphis rubbed her back and Theta buried her face in his shoulder. Then she lifted her head and smiled at him. They kissed while the others looked away.

“I, uh, don’t think we’re needed anymore,” Henry said. They started down the steps.

“Hey! Where you going?” Theta called after. “I’m starving!”

Ling grinned. “Lucky for you I know a good restaurant.”

They gathered around a table in the back of the Tea House and demolished plate after plate of Mr. Chan’s best dishes.