But the people on the steps looked at the Diviners as if they were a threat.

“Dangerous,” somebody said.

“Oughta lock ’em up.”

Sarah Snow came forward, her arms raised. “Let us pray, brothers and sisters. Pray for the soul of our nation! To be rid of those who would tear it asunder! Heavenly Father…”

The people bowed their heads.

“You thought telling the people the truth would make a difference.” Ling shook her head. “Now they just hate us for telling them the truth. People want to be safe, not free.”

“What now?” Evie asked.

But Memphis had his head angled toward the sky. “We’re listening,” he said. “We’re listening.”


Sam had seen Evie back to the Winthrop. And after the shock of the night’s confrontation with the ghosts had worn off, Evie told him about the rest of the terrible evening, from Woody’s revelations to Jake’s lies and her own humiliating downfall. “Gotta hand it to you, Lamb Chop. When you go for something, you go all in,” he said, feeding her more aspirin and water.

“If Jake Marlowe wants to attack me, I’ll take it. But James did everything they asked of him and more. He was a hero, and now Jake’s calling him a coward and a deserter. I hate Jake Marlowe. I hate him so much.”

“I’m not arguing with you, Baby Vamp. He won this round.”

“He’s rich. He’ll win all the rounds,” Evie said. “Sam, Project Buffalo happened, but we have no proof. And now those Shadow Men are going around killing people who could prove it. And somewhere out there is the King of Crows playing games. It feels as if nothing matters. Truth, honor, trying to do what’s right. None of it matters.”

“That’s awfully cynical.”

“I feel cynical.”

“There’s still stuff to believe in. Still good.”

“Yeah? Like what?”

“Well, for one, we’re still fighting. We haven’t given up.”

“What else?” Evie challenged.

“For another, Memphis and Theta are back together. We did something spectacular tonight, something that felt… right. And Mabel Rose is out there working for the people.”

Evie nodded. “What else? Keep telling me the good things.”

Sam could feel a head of steam building inside him. But he didn’t know if he’d be brave enough to let it out. “There’s a Douglas Fairbanks picture at the Strand. A swashbuckler. You love those.”

Evie closed one eye. “You’re telling me not to lose hope because there are pirate pictures?”

“I’m trying here, Baby Vamp. When you’re facing evil, a good pirate picture doesn’t hurt.”

Evie’s mouth twitched into a bit of a smile, but she fought it. She liked hearing Sam’s list, and she didn’t want him to stop. “What else?”

“Nah. I’ve told you already.”

“Oh, please. Just one more.”

Sam cocked his head. “Just one more, huh?”

“Yeah. But make it a really good one.”

“A good one.”