“I’ll kill you right here,” Roy said. He took a swing, catching Memphis just above the ear. Memphis winced. His ear still ringing, he fell back and dropped into a boxer’s stance.

The fire bristled inside Theta, aching to come out. She worked to get her glove off.

“I don’t think so, Betty.” Roy wrenched her arms behind her back, and the fire retreated again as Theta cried out in pain. “Come at me again and I’ll break her arms.”

Memphis put up his hands. “Okay. Okay. Don’t hurt her.”

“This who you been whoring around with, Betty?”


“Huh?” Roy gave Theta’s arms a sharp pull. Her eyes filled with tears.

“I love…”


“I love him! I love… him.”

“Theta?” Memphis said softly.

“I was trying to protect you,” she said.

Roy shoved Theta back. He pushed up his sleeves on his march toward Memphis. “I’m gonna beat you to a pulp. Then it’s your turn, Betty.”

“Leave ’em be,” Bill Johnson thundered, coming into the alley. Memphis almost didn’t recognize him at first. He looked to be a man easily ten years younger, with a full beard and very little gray left in his hair.

“You gonna take on all of us?” Roy challenged.

“Won’t need to.” Bill took a step forward. He was a big man, and his shadow fell across the men like a giant’s. “Said: Let ’em go.”

“Or what?”

Bill reached down and grabbed Theta’s corsage, which had fallen to the street. He squeezed, and the flowers browned and wilted. He tossed the corsage away.

“Let ’em go,” Bill said again.

Roy backed away. “Come on, Betty Sue. We’re leaving. Now!”

“She’s not going anywhere with you,” Memphis said. He stepped between Roy and Theta, but Theta slipped around and stood next to Memphis, side by side.

Roy’s carefully polished hair had gotten mussed up. His collar was sprung, and Theta knew he’d be really sore about that tuxedo. He tugged down his vest and pointed a finger at Theta and Memphis. “You’ll pay for this. Mark my words. Fucking circus freaks! They oughta lock you all up. They oughta put you in the chair and watch you fry!”

“Come on, Roy. She ain’t worth it,” Dutch’s man said. He patted Roy’s back and guided him toward the waiting car.

In the alley, Theta rubbed the ache from her injured arms and wiped her nose on the back of her glove.

“I’m sorry for everything I said to you after that night at the asylum. For pushing you away. I didn’t want him to know about you and Isaiah. I was afraid he’d hurt you. I know what kinda man he is, and I couldn’t let that happen. That’s why I broke it off with you, Poet. That’s the only reason. I had to make you hate me. I knew you’d come after me. I knew you’d try to make it right.”

Memphis kissed Theta. He wrapped his arms around her and it was like coming home after a hard day in the cold. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” she kept saying into his chest.

“Shhh, shhh,” Memphis said.

“Well. Glad you’re all right,” Bill said, and started away.

“Mr. Johnson!” Memphis called.

Bill stopped and turned to him. “Bill.”