“Baby Vamp, stealthy you are not,” Sam muttered. “Wait here,” he said to Conor. Sam ventured back out into the dark, open basement, but he didn’t see Evie. There was a tap on his shoulder, and Sam yelped and whirled around to see Evie right behind him. “Don’t sneak up on me like that, Sheba,” he said, putting a hand to his chest. “You nearly scared me half to death.”

“I’m so cold,” Evie said.

“Yeah. It’s freezing down here.”

“Warm me up?” Evie asked, biting her lip on a smile.

Sam raised an eyebrow. “This is a bad time to be pulling my leg, Sheba. We’ve got ghosts to figure out.”

Evie drew closer to Sam. “What if I’m not pulling your leg? What if I’ve missed you?”

“I’ve missed you, too,” Sam said, confused. “Wait. On the level?”

Evie smiled. “Mm-hmm. But I thought you didn’t want to be with me.”

“Me not want to be with you?” Sam’s eyebrows shot up. “Are you kidding?”

“Does that mean you do want to be with me?”

For weeks, he’d tried to put Evie out of his mind and heal. Their pretend romance hadn’t been pretend for him at all. But he had his pride, and he wasn’t about to let her know just how deeply he’d fallen. And then, when he’d seen her go off with Jericho to the collections room, he’d figured that was it. She liked the giant. The big, beautiful giant.

“Sheba, are you sure?” Sam asked.

Evie pulled his face toward hers with both hands. And then she kissed him. Deeply. The kiss was a surprise, but it only took second

s for it to rip away the scab on Sam’s heart, for him to lose himself to it. His brain was fighting to make sense of things: I’m in an asylum. Being chased by ghosts. Evie is kissing me. He didn’t know which of those seemed the most far-fetched.

Evie took his finger and put it in her warm mouth, sucking on it. It felt incredible. Sam gasped. “Do you like that?” she asked.

“Yeah. Yeah, I do.”

“How about this?” She unbuttoned his shirt and moved her mouth across his chest, licking up his neck. He could feel himself hardening.

“Say… um. Where’d you learn to do that? I, uh, I wanna send that person a thank-you note.” Sam’s eyes fluttered.

“Kiss me,” Evie said again.

Sam cursed their timing. “I’d love to. But I left Conor around the cor—”

“Kiss me,” Evie said, pushing Sam against the brick wall.

He thought he saw just a hint of blue-gray smoke behind her and felt a chill that doused his passion fast.

“Say, Sheba. You find anything interesting in that washroom?” Sam said, moving slowly toward it.

“Why aren’t you kissing us?” Evie said, more insistently. But her voice sounded funny, like several voices speaking at once.

Sam yanked open the door to the washroom. There was a cracked window down at the end. The room was thick with vapory ghosts. Their teeth shone in the dark.

“Definitely not pickled herring,” Sam whispered.

Evie’s eyes tilted up. She shook as if learning a new dance.

“Oh, no. No, no, no.” Sam grabbed Evie. “Come on, Sheba. Fight it.”

“We just want a kiss! A kiss to remember us by!” the ghosts inside her shrieked.

“They got inside her!” Conor said, racing toward her with a long hook he’d found.