Ann takes a chocolate. She pushes it around in her mouth, thinking. “Why did Wilhelmina take the dagger in the first place?”

For a moment, the tent holds nothing but the sound of the three of us drumming our fingers to separate rhythms.

“She knew that the dagger in the wrong hands would bring chaos,” I offer. “She didn’t trust McCleethy or Nightwing with it.”

“But they worship the memory of Mrs. Spence. She’s like a saint to them,” Ann argues. “What reason would they have for harming her?”

“Unless they never really did care for her. Sometimes people pretend to have affection for you when they don’t,” I add bitterly, thinking of Kartik.

We peer through the tent’s crack at the two of them deep in conversation. Brigid brings Mrs. Nightwing her sherry on a silver tray.

“I don’t see how we can possibly solve this mystery tonight,” Felicity complains.

We are disturbed by a loud knocking at the door. Brigid comes to Mrs. Nightwing. “Pardon, m’um, but there’s a troupe o’ mummers outside. They say they’ve a jolly pageant to present, if you’d be so kind as to admit them.”

Mrs. Nightwing whips off her spectacles. “Mummers? Certainly not. You may turn them away, Brigid.”

“Yes, m’um.”

Wharton objects strenuously to Ann’s leaving.

“Couldn’t she stay on?” she says as Ann’s case is secured to our carriage.

“Indeed she cannot,” the doctor insists. “It would be very serious if she were to contract the pox.”

“But how will I manage?” Mrs. Wharton pleads.

“Come now, Mrs. Wharton,” Mr. Wharton says. “We’ve a nurse, and our Annie will be with us again in three weeks’ time. Won’t you, Miss Bradshaw?”

“You’ll hardly notice I’m gone,” Ann answers, and I do believe she rather enjoys saying it.


ANN’S RETURN TO SPENCE IS GREETED WITH CHEERS FROM the younger girls, who clamor for her attention. Now that she’s been “away,” they find her exciting and exotic. No matter that it has only been a few weeks and only to a country house, there is an air of the lady about her to them. Brigid promises a toffee pudding for all in celebration, and by the time we settle in the tent next to the fire in the evening, it’s as if we’ve never been apart and Ann’s journey has been but a bad dream.

Only Cecily, Elizabeth, and Martha keep their distance, but Ann doesn’t seem to mind. We tell Ann about everything—our visit to Dr. Van Ripple, the slate, my discovery of McCleethy and Fowlson’s plan to take back the power. Kartik. That part plunges me into melancholy. The only thing I don’t confess is my association with Circe, for I know they’d not understand it. I scarcely do myself.

“So,” Ann says, reviewing, “we know that Wilhelmina was betrayed by someone she trusted, someone she knew from her days at Spence.”

Felicity bites into a chocolate. “Correct.”

“Both Eugenia Spence and Mother Elena feel that someone is in league with the Winterlands creatures, and Mother Elena fears that this association will bring the dead to us.”

“Doing very well, carry on,” I say, stealing a chocolate for myself.

“The tribes of the realms might also be joining with the Winterlands creatures in rebellion.”

We nod.

“In order to free Eugenia and bring peace to the Winterlands, we must find the dagger, which Wilhelmina Wyatt stole from Spence. And Wilhelmina, who was an addict and a thief and a generally disreputable person, might be trying to guide us to its location through Gemma’s visions. Or it’s quite possible she could be leading us to a very bad end.”

“Indeed.” Felicity licks her fingers.

“Miss McCleethy and, it stands to reason, Mrs. Nightwing know about the secret door into the realms but believe that they can only unlock it by rebuilding the tower. Eugenia confirms that this is so. Yet, Wilhelmina didn’t want them to rebuild the East Wing.” Ann stops. “Why?”

Felicity and I shrug.

“She’s on Gemma’s side?” Felicity offers as if that makes perfect sense.