“You would place all your faith in this plan? We have no real proof—”

“Don’t question me. I cannot do this without you.”

“I am loyal. You know that I am.”

“I do.”

The door is opened, and I hide behind a tall potted fern. I watch Miss McCleethy and Mrs. Nightwing ascend the stairs, the candle flame casting their long shadows on the wall and ceiling till they seem to loom over everything. I wait until long after I hear the baize door click. When I am satisfied that they are gone, I fly on angel feet to the Gypsy camp.

I approach the camp stealthily, searching for the best way in. I wish I’d brought scraps to quiet the dogs. A twig breaks to my right, and suddenly, I’m yanked hard to the ground and the full weight of another pins me there.

“I shall scream,” I gasp, but I’ve barely enough breath to speak.

“Miss Doyle!” Kartik lifts me from the ground. “What are you doing out here?”

“What are you…doing throwing me…about like a…highwayman?” I brush the leaves from my skirt and try to force air back into my lungs.

“I am sorry, but you shouldn’t creep about the woods at night. It isn’t safe.”

“So I see,” I reply.

“You’ve not answered my question. Why are you here?”

“I came to find you.” My breath comes shakily but now it has little to do with being thrown to the ground. “I want answers, and I shan’t leave until I have them.”

“I’ve nothing to tell you,” he says, turning away.

I fall in beside him. “I’m not leaving. I need your help. Wait—where are you going?”

“To feed the horses,” he answers without stopping.

“But the Order has a secret plan!” I protest.

“That does not change the fact that the horses are hungry and must be fed. You may tell me along the way.”

I match his stride. “Miss McCleethy returned this evening.”

“She’s here now?” Kartik cranes his neck toward Spence.

“Yes,” I say. “But she’s sleeping. We’re safe.”

“Not with that woman about,” Kartik mumbles. “What did she tell you?”

“She wanted me to join the Order but I refused. And just now, I overheard her talking with Mrs. Nightwing. They mentioned a plan of some sort. She also said that she’s kept the Rakshana from coming for me, but that if I don’t join the Order, she won’t protect me any longer.” I steal a glance at him. “She has a spy within your ranks. Do you know anything about it?”

Kartik’s pace doesn’t slow. “They are not my ranks. I am no longer Rakshana.”

“You’ve heard nothing, then?”

“The Rakshana think me a dead man, and I’d like to keep it that way.”

I stop. “Why? What do you mean?”

“Some matters are best not discussed,” he says, pushing on till I have to catch him.

We reach a small clearing where the horses are tethered. Kartik pulls an apple from his pocket and offers it to a dappled mare. “Here you are, Freya. Enjoy. This is Ithal’s horse. She’s a fine old girl,” he says, stroking her nose gently. “Never a moment’s trouble.”

I fold my arms across my chest. “Is that what makes a fine girl, then? A lack of trouble?”