“No,” I say. “Only untested.”

One of the Hajin stands uncertainly, holding tightly to her skirts. “We should have a voice, Asha. It is time.”

A spark of anger flashes in Asha’s eyes. “We have lived this way always. We shall go on living this way.”

The girl sits, but she does not bow as is customary. In her eyes are the twin gods of doubt and desire. When her skirt falls open, showing her scarred and blistered legs, she does not rush to cover them.

I shake my head. “Change is coming, Asha. Whether you’re ready for it or not.”

My mind is a jumble as I march toward the Borderlands. Who could have murdered Creostus and why? Is Circe telling me the truth? Did Pippa make a bargain with the Winterlands creatures for her magic, and if so, how powerful is she? How will I get Fee to see this? She’ll rightly claim that I’m one to talk, for I’ve been having meetings with a murderess. And still I haven’t deciphered Miss Wyatt’s cryptic messages. Oh, I’m a bloody fool.

No. There’s still a chance to put things right. Eugenia. I’ll find the dagger and save her. I’ll put the realms and the Winterlands to rights, and then…and then? I’ll worry about then another time.

At the turn toward the bramble wall, I note something strange. The fruit of the trees we restored our first day back in the realms has withered to mealy husks. And all the flowers have turned a brittle blue, as if they’ve been strangled upon their stalks. Every last bloom is dead.

I hurry to the bramble wall and tread the path through the blue forest to the castle.

Whoo-oot. The sound is near. Bessie steps out, her stick at the ready.

“Step aside, please, Bessie. I don’t mean you any harm. You know that.”

“You couldn’t do me no ’arm if you wanted,” she says, towering over me.

I shout Pip’s name and Felicity’s and Ann’s, too.

“See? They don’ wan’ you no more,” Bessie snarls.

The castle door swings open and Felicity barrels out, trailed by Ann, Pip, and the others.

“Gemma! What is it?” Felicity calls.

“Bessie wouldn’t let me pass,” I say.

Pippa gives Bessie a playful pout. “Is that true, Bessie?”

“Don’ know where she’s been,” Bessie offers in explanation.

Pippa twirls a marigold in her fingers. “It’s true, Gemma. If you don’t want to be questioned, you shouldn’t run off by yourself.”

“Yes,” I say, my apprehension growing. I fear her now, and I wonder if she can sense it in me. “It’s time to go back to Spence.”

“But I’m not ready to go back,” Felicity complains.

“Then don’t go. Stay here with me,” Pippa says as if proposing a holiday, and Felicity’s face floods with happiness.

“We can’t get back without Gemma,” Ann says bitterly.

“Tomorrow,” Felicity says softly.

“Tomorrow.” Pip gives Fee a gentle kiss on the cheek and strides back to the castle, the factory girls behind her like ladies-in-waiting. No one offers to help Wendy.

Wendy feels her way until she finds purchase in my sleeve. “Miss? Can’t you take me with you?”

“I’m sorry, Wendy. I can’t bring you back into my world,” I say, helping her toward the castle.

“I’m afraid, miss. I don’t like it ’ere. The castle’s so still at night without Mr. Darcy to keep close. When I call, nobody answers—”

“Wendy!” It’s Bessie come back for her. She stands like a warrior, her stick tall at her side. “Come on, then. Miss Pippa’s waitin’.” She lets Wendy stumble toward her and moves out of the way just as the girl closes in. “Missed me!” She laughs, and then she leads the girl roughly toward the castle.