"I want to see my knight." Pippa pouts.

"And you will."

"Not if Gemma won't take us."

"We all know there's another way," Felicity says. In the moonlight, her pale skin glows white as bone. A chill works its way up my spine.

"What do you mean?" Pippa asks.

Something stirs in the trees. There's the sound of twigs breaking and movement, quick and furtive. We jump. A deer wanders closer to the clearing. It has its nose to the ground, sniffing for food.

"It's only a deer." Ann exhales in a whoosh.

"No," Felicity says. "It's our sacrifice."

The moon dips behind clouds for an instant and our faces are mottled with light.

"You aren't serious," I say, coming out of my sullen stupor.

"Why not? We know they did it. But we'll be smarter." She's like a carnival barker trying to entice a crowd into a sideshow tent.

"But they couldn't control it" I start. Felicity cuts me off.

"We're stronger than they are. We won't make the same mistakes. The huntress told me"

The huntress offering me the berries, whispering to Felicity on their hunts. Something's fighting to take shape in my mind, but it won't come. Only the fear remains, bold and undeniable.

"What about the huntress?"

"She tells me things. Things you are not privy to. She's the one who told me I could have the power if I offer her a token."

"No that's not"

"She told me you'd react this way. That you couldn't be trusted because you want the power of the realms all to yourself."

Pippa and Ann look from Felicity to me and back again, waiting. "You can't do this," I say. "I won't let you."

Felicity creeps forward, knocks me backward into the dirt. "You. Can't. Stop. Us."

"Felicity"Ann looks as if she doesn't know whether to help me or run away.

"Don't you see? Gemma wants the power all to herself! She wants power over us."

"That's not true!" I struggle to my feet and take a step backward, away from them.

Pippa comes up behind me. I can feel her breath on my neck. "Then why won't you take us?"

I'm caught. "I can't tell you."

"She doesn't trust us," Felicity says. Suspicion spreads like a disease. She crosses her arms in triumph, lets the damage sink in.

The deer is just beyond us in the thicket. Pippa watches it. She shifts her weight from one foot to the other. "I wouldn't have to marry him. Would I?"

Felicity takes her hands. "We could change everything."

"Everything," Ann says, joining them.

I saw a fire start once in India. One second, it was only a spark lost from a beggar's fire, caught on a high wind. Within minutes, everything in sight was ablaze , thatched roofs crackling like so much dry kindling, mothers scurrying into the streets, carrying crying children.