The men are nodding, trying to let the new development sink in. Holy cow. Women in the house. Meanwhile, I keep my gaze firmly on Luis to see if there’s any cause for distrust there. But he looks away from me, avoiding eye contact, which is a classic sign that he’s accepting my dominance. Good.

“Right, then, gentlemen,” says Bruce in a smooth tone. “Then we’re done here.”

In unison, we leave the dais, our arms around our little goddess. Walking through the main arch, we head down the corridor to a master suite, where Bruce and I live. We don’t say a word. Annabel seems to instinctively know to save any questions for when we’re alone. It’s time too because we’ve silenced our little goddess for too long, and she has a right to know, especially now that she’s one of us, living among our men. It’s time to let her all the way in, and to reveal the dark secrets of the Magellan twins. It’s time to take our relationship to the next level.



That was a close call. When Luis started talking shit, it took all of my self-restraint not to fucking break his face. I knew if I resorted to violence, the case would be lost. But I also knew that being a true alpha male means finding new solutions and thinking out of the box. That’s what we did, yet all the same, I was half-expecting a riot. Thank god it didn’t happen.

Burke’s bright little idea to expose Annabel was a good one. It’s sounds wrong, and trust me, I didn’t want to do it. Who wants to share the woman they love, especially with the raggedy bunch that we run with?

But now that they’ve seen her pussy and tits, they know how delicious she is, which is exactly why they can’t touch. Sometimes, it pays to reveal the good stuff so that they know she’s out of their league. The men know she belongs to us, and we made our point with that little show.

But a thought niggles my mind. Interestingly, I think Annabel appreciated our mark of possession. I could smell her pheromones, and she enjoyed putting her pussy and tits on display. Holy shit. Her animal instinct is something I’ve always loved more than anything. That, and the fact that she’s such a lustful, loving, hyper-sexual creature that she needs both Burke and me to satisfy her. It still blows my mind that we stumbled upon this while on a job.

Finally, we’re alone in the room and Annabel turns towards us. She’s absolutely gorgeous, with those huge breasts rising as her lips part in a half smile.

“That was amazing,” she murmurs. “I had no idea you had it in you to be so dominant.”

Oh yeah, this is the girl we adore. I grab her by her waist and pull her roughly toward me, pressing her to me so that her tits are flattened against my torso. I stare down at her flushed face. Her big eyes are shining up at me with her lips parted. I know this look. She wants it, and she wants it hard. My cock twitches against her leg, and I lean down and seize her lips with my own as she lets out a breathy little moan.

“So you like that, do you?” growls my brother from the other side. He’s already got a hand between her thighs, and she’s squirming and mewling as he strokes her nub.

“I do,” she admits, tilting her head back to reveal the smooth white line of her throat. “It was such a turn-on to see you in your element.”

I grin, but then a frown replaces my smile.

“We need to talk, sweetheart. And it’s better to do it sooner rather than later.”

Slowly her eyes flutter open.

“Now?” she asks in a whine. “But why? Things were just getting fun.”

“Yeah brother,” adds Burke. “Seriously, we were just getting started.”

But I stay firm.

“No, we need to do this now, while Annabel is new to the life. I don’t want to go any further without her knowing everything.”

Suddenly, my little girl smiles at me. She’s clearly turned on, but there’s also an element of mischief in her eyes.

“Actually,” she says in a playful tone. “There’s something I need to talk to you guys about, too.”

I cross my arms, impatient.

“Okay, sweetheart. But just let us go first, okay? And then, I swear you’ll have time to talk as much as you like.” I want this to be over. I want everything to be out in the open so that we can live together in peace. There’s no more need for secrecy now that we’re at the safehouse.

With a deep breath, my brother leads Annabel over to the bed, and we sit down on either side of her curvy form.

“First things first,” starts Burke, his blue eyes suddenly serious. “Now that you’ve seen the place, and the men we live with, you’re able to fully make a commitment. This is your last chance to back out, and there’s no harm, no foul if you decide to, sweetheart,” he says, his eyes flashing. Annabel is staring at him, held by his intensity. “But we want to ask you officially, now that you’ve seen the safehouse. Annabel, will you commit to living here with us?”