I scream again as the men reach forward to where Luis’s cock is nestled in between my lips, about to penetrate. They cackle as their fingers stroke over my wet cunt, verifying his claim. A few of them pump their cocks faster while giggling like girls. Disgusting.

“Bruce! Burke!” I scream again, squirming. But this only makes Luis angry. Maybe I made a mistake in leaving home. Maybe it was always going to go down like this because this is what happens when you live with a group of criminals. It’s the first time I feel any kind of regret.

But then Luis decides he wants to try something different. He clambers off while the other men continue stroking their dicks, and flips me over onto my front so that I’m facedown on the mattress. Then, my ass is roughly raised into the air, exposing everything.

“I like this sight,” he hisses. “This is how I want a woman to greet me at the door, and you, sweet girl, did such a good job.”

My pussy clenches, not in arousal, but in fear and trepidation. I whimper as I feel not one, but several cocks prod my tight pussy and ass, trying to worm their way in.

“Bruce! Burke!” I scream again, my voice muffled.

“I told you, little slut, they can’t hear you,” groans Luis as he vainly tries to find my little pussy hole. But then all motion ceases, his cock going no further as a gurgling sound erupts from his throat.

“Motherfucker!” roars a familiar voice, making my heart soar. “I’m going to kill you.”

“Stand back, all of you, or I’ll blow your fucking brains out,” adds Burke’s voice in a deadly voice. The pressure on my body is released, and I’m able to look around at the scene as I scramble back against the headboard and cover my naked body with pillows. Bruce has Luis in a chokehold as his cock hangs like a flaccid pencil between his legs. The other men are backing away from me, their hands in the air as Burke points a gun at them threateningly. Their cocks also dangle like broken flower stalks over their flies.

“I should cut all of your dicks off,” growls Bruce. It’s only now that I see both of my men are covered in cuts and bruises. Worry and concern bubble up inside me. The blonde Viking from before arrives, stumbling into the room, looking much worse for the wear than my men. He’s carrying a gun, too, and trembling, he lifts the muzzle at my attackers. What the hell happened? There must have been a serious fight.

“Tuck your junk away, slowly,” orders Burke. “I don’t need to see that shit.” The men obey.

“Not you,” growls Bruce into Luis’s face as he helplessly tries to reach for his cock. “I have plans for it.” The smaller man is slowly choking, his face going a mottled blue and purple. Good.

“Hands on your heads, and walk out into the common room, slowly,” orders Burke, gesturing with the gun. The men look terrified but obediently, they begin to shuffle off, with Burke and the blonde man following close behind. Meanwhile, Bruce drags Luis out of the room via chokehold, with desperate gurgling noises sounding the entire way.

I’m suddenly alone, crouched against the headboard, shaking. My chest starts heaving as a million emotions come crashing down on me. What just happened? Trembling and trying not to cry, I hurry to pick my dress up off the floor and put it back on.

The door was left open, but I can’t hear much coming from the common room, except for the occasional raised voice. Just when I’m about to peek my head around the corner to see if I can see down the corridor, I hear about two dozen more male voices joining the scuffle, and the whole thing turns into an earl-splitting commotion. The walls shake. There are howls of horror, fear, and pain, and instinctively, I retreat, slamming the door behind me. Oh God, maybe I really did make a mistake coming to live here. This is not a safe place for a pregnant woman, let alone a baby. I’ll have to speak to Bruce and Burke to see if we can hole up separately somewhere else.

But just as I’m thinking this, footsteps sound outside and the door unlocks. I freeze, tensing up and getting ready to defend myself. As the door opens, however, I see it’s Bruce and Burke stepping into the room. They’re alone, thank god. They slam the wooden slab behind them in satisfaction, locking it emphatically before turning to me.

My two lovers are breathing heavily, the expressions on their faces ominous. They’re cut and bruised, their shirts ripped in places, and they’re practically vibrating with adrenaline. Their jaws are clenched, their taut muscles emanating fierce energy and violent lust.