Bruce doesn’t say a word but continues to reach up as Burke passes down the loot, bit by bit. I don’t actually see any of this, but I can hear the strain in their breathing, as well as some gentle scuffs and splashes. Then there’s the sound of the manhole cover rasping back in place, high above us, and a heavier splash as Burke lands expertly next to me.

A flashlight clicks on, and immediately, the tunnel is illuminated as shadows dance back from the bright beam of light. I’m able to see my lovers’ faces for the first time since we left the penthouse, and I take a deep breath before sighing with relief.

“You okay, little girl?” asks Burke.

“No regrets yet?” adds Bruce in a growl.

I shake my head. The feelings that course through my body are many: excitement, adrenaline, nervousness, arousal, and happiness. But not regret. Not for one second, and they can see it in my eyes.

“Lead the way,” I say with a tremulous smile. They grin and nod, and we start our trek through the tunnel. As I watch our shadows pass along the dirt walls, I try and focus on the flashlight dancing ahead. I should be scared. I know I should be wondering what the hell I’m doing, in fact. But none of that crosses my mind because I feel free for the first time in my life. I feel in control of my own destiny, and it’s a destiny I’ve chosen to share with these two criminals, hard on the outside yet soft on the inside. My lovers are my everything, and wherever it is they’re taking me, is where I want to be. Because Bruce and Burke mean the world to me now, and despite the dank tunnel and imminent danger, all I feel is adoration.



We’re getting closer. We don’t take this route often, and there’s a reason why. It’s because we want to keep it secret, and the less used it is, the better.

But it’s fine. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and this is the best route from Roger Jones’s apartment to our new safehouse. It’s been good at the new location. We haven’t had too many issues setting up, and our circle has remained undetected.

But there have been some rumblings. Nothing major but still, the devil’s in the details. We’ve sensed discontent brewing among our men, and seen the quick flashes of resentment before they’re wiped away. There are muttered whispers in the hall that abruptly stop at the approach of our footsteps, and I know why.

It’s because of Annabel. Our crew doesn’t know know about her of course, and certainly not by name. But word travels fast, and there are rumors that there’s a girl involved. In our circle, being a bachelor isn’t a preference, it’s a necessity. Having love interests, or any kind of family, makes things infinitely more dangerous. As a result, we can’t have any ties. Prostitutes and party girls are as far as it goes for us with women, so when the rumors started up, we understood the discomfort. Annabel could jeopardize not just our safety, but that of the entire operation.

But they need to wait because Bruce and I aren’t going to address wild speculation. Sure, their instincts were spot on, but I wasn’t going to acknowledge it. Even more, Annabel needs a place to go, and that place is with us. If the other guys hate it, then they’ll have to figure out some other solution. Maybe they’ll leave the crew. Find some other hidey hole. I don’t know, but Annabel stays with us.

Thankfully, we’ve had no problems so far, but that could all change tonight. After all, tonight’s the night: we’re going to present our little goddess to the gang, and anyone who has a problem with her being with us can leave.

I feel Annabel’s plump little hand in mine and hear her soft, delicate footsteps in the tunnel. This girl needs us, and even more, we need her. I want her to be with us for good because that first month without her had been agony. Bruce and I were both miserable, angry, and frustrated. Nothing made sense anymore. We’ve both had prostitutes before just to let off steam, but now, nothing other than our little goddess will do. Every other woman bores us, frankly, and has no allure whatsoever. In the beginning we shared our frustrations aloud as if talking could help. But that stopped really quick because the memories just made us sad, frustrated, and horny. We tried to ignore her absence, but it was futile. We had to bring her back to us, someway, somehow.

Finally, we arrive at the safehouse. A rusty iron gate is set into the concrete wall on my left, and I thrust the key into the heavy lock with a click. A short rattle sounds as the heavy chains move along the iron. Then there’s a creak as I pull the iron door open and lead Annabel inside, followed by Bruce.