“No!” Gwen screeched. “What happened?”

“We were kissing and maybe a tiny bit more. It was dark and we weren’t thinking straight. A car drove past and lit us up like a spotlight.”

“So, what happened when you finally made it home?”

Olivia grinned. “We finished what we started, with no one watching this time.” No one but me.

“You’re my hero. You know that, right?”

“Heck, Gwen. I’m my own hero.”

Gwen pointed at the door. “Get out. I don’t even want to look at you anymore.”

Olivia started to leave, then stopped with her hand on the doorknob. “Hey, do you want to see a movie on Saturday night?”

“What about Jamie?”

“He’s not my boyfriend, Gwen.”

Gwen’s eyebrow rose. “So, he’s working on Saturday?”


After Gwen’s laughter died down, she nodded. “Sure, let’s see a movie. And dinner, too.”

Olivia smiled all the way to her office.

Was she brave? She didn’t feel brave. At first she’d felt terrified, then overwhelmed. Now she felt exhilarated and slightly bewildered. But she also felt happy. Happier than she could remember feeling in a very long time.

Sex with Jamie Donovan was a miracle elixir.

It was also physically exhausting. As Olivia sat down at her desk, her thighs protested the effort. Another tiny moment to make her happy. He’d taken her again that morning. Twice. Missing her morning run had been a joy. And the workout had been just as intense.

She’d only decided to come into the office because she’d been horrified with her own behavior. After he’d left, Olivia had lain about with a wide grin on her face. That was a little too close to lovesick.

So she’d showered and dressed and slipped on her highest heels. And now what was she going to do with herself? Something responsible, like planning or research. But considering the way her mind kept wandering back to Jamie’s hands gripping her ass that morning, she thought maybe she’d better start with something simple like email.

Olivia fired up her computer and opened her email. There wasn’t much traffic during the summer, so she noticed the letter from her department chair right away. He wanted to see her in his office as soon as she was able to stop in.

Her heart dropped, wondering what he might want. As an instructor, she had no permanent position with the university. She could be terminated at will, at any time, for any reason, even though she was a workhorse. She always had been, but since the divorce, she’d taken on four classes a semester, plus two summer seminars, determined to prove herself invaluable. She could not afford to lose this position, and with her husband out of the picture, the university would feel no pressure to keep her on.

Any desire to grin faded away as she read the message for a second time and then a third. The department chair gave no hint of what he wanted, and Olivia tried to convince herself it was something routine. Maybe he wanted to put her in charge of department birthdays. It wouldn’t be the first time an

instructor had been used as an assistant.

Suddenly wishing she’d worn more sensible shoes, Olivia walked down the long hallway toward his office.

Lewis Anderson had an office in the main suite of the department. The biggest office, of course, but that meant little enough in the Department of Applied Business. They were one of the least prestigious groups in the college and the size of the suite reflected that.

His door was already open, and when she knocked softly, he looked up, his eyes momentarily confused. When Lewis registered her presence, discomfort flashed over his features.

“Olivia. Good morning. Come in. And, um, could you close the door behind you?”

Oh, no. Not good. Not good at all. The blood left her head so quickly that she felt momentarily dizzy, but she offered him only a somber nod as she closed the door. “Is there something wrong?”

“I’m not sure.” He gestured toward the chair, and she slowly lowered herself into it. “I’ve received some information that I need to present you with, though it’s of a personal nature and I’d rather not.”

She nodded as if she understood.