“Yeah. A lot of night time. Nearly every time I close the brewery, I drive by and see your car here.”

Tessa gasped. “Are you checking up on me?”

“Please. I’ve been checking up on you for years.”

“What?” she screeched.

“Tessa,” he said impatiently. “You live alone in a big house. Of course I drive by to make sure you’re okay. But I guess you’ve got police protection now.”

Said policeman, Detective Luke Asher, smiled like an angel from the other side of the table. Angel, my ass, Jamie thought. He’d gone to school with Luke. The guy wasn’t any more of an angel than Jamie. Which was exactly why Jamie was glaring at him.

Luke took Tessa’s hand. They exchanged a meaningful look. “Actually,” Tessa said, “Luke’s thinking of moving in.”

Jamie heard his own horror voiced in Eric’s choked grunt.

Luke cleared his throat, no sign of a smile on his face now. “I wanted to speak to you two about it first. Tessa lives here, but it’s still your family home. So if you’re uncomfortable with the idea—”

Jamie barked, “You’re damn right we’re uncomfortable with the idea.”

“I get that,” Luke said. He glanced toward Tessa.

She nodded as if she were answering a question. “He makes me happy. Jamie, you know that. You’re the one who told me not to break up with him.”

Jamie felt Eric’s disapproval turn in his direction. “I didn’t exactly tell you to get back together with him. And if he makes you so happy, why are you only talking about moving in together?”

Eric’s kick was swift and effective. Jamie shut his mouth with a snap.

“We’re okay with it,” Eric said simply.

“Good,” Tessa said with a self-satisfied smile. “I’ll get dessert.” She disappeared into the kitchen, leaving tense silence between the men. She’d only been dating Luke for a few months, and neither Jamie nor Eric was comfortable with the idea of their little sister being so deeply involved with a man. Especially a man with a past like Luke’s.

Silence reigned until Tessa returned with apple pie. As she put a slice on Jamie’s plate, she served it up with a pointed question. “So how’s your dating life going?”

“Why don’t you ever ask Eric that?”

“Because Eric doesn’t date. Good thing, since you date enough for all of us. So tell me about that woman.”

“There’s nothing to tell. And I don’t date that much. In comparison to Eric, sure, I get around like a rabbit on speed. But—”

“Who is she?” Tessa demanded.

“She’s nobody,” Jamie said, cringing as the word left his mouth.

“Well, I only saw her for a minute, but I can already tell she’s way nicer than that awful Monica Kendall. So, good job.”

A boulder fell out of nowhere and landed in his stomach. Jamie swallowed hard to try to dislodge it. He didn’t want to talk about Monica Kendall. Ever. Especially not in conjunction with Olivia. Thankfully, Eric managed to help Jamie out for once.

“Luke, have you heard anything about the Kendalls lately? We haven’t received an update in a while.”

Luke sighed. “That’s because there’s nothing to update. The leads coming in from Taiwan have dried up. But we’re working another angle with Monica.”

Jamie set his fork down.

“She’s still claiming that her involvement was minimal, but we’re putting the pressure on her, hoping she’ll reach out to her brother. I’ll keep you in the loop. Don’t worry.”

Monica’s brother, Graham, had been the guy behind the break-in at the brewery. And Monica had played a crucial role. A crucial role involving Jamie that he wished he could forget.

“I’ve gotta go,” Jamie said, pushing his plate away.