Olivia lay in her bed, staring at the ceiling and feeling stupid for even thinking it. She’d known he wouldn’t call. She’d told herself she didn’t want him to. But now that she was faced with seeing him in class in a few hours, it felt awkward. On her part, at least. Jamie would probably just laugh.

At least she hadn’t invited him in when he’d walked her to her door. She’d left him with just one more kiss. One more slow, hot, body-tingling kiss.

She smiled. Maybe it was worth the awkwardness. She didn’t feel like a new woman or anything, but she definitely felt a few degrees brighter.

It was a good start.

Still, even if he was interested, she didn’t think she could keep walking down this road with Jamie. That man was potent. Hell, he’d been potent before he’d put his mouth on her, and then he’d gone from intoxicating to deadly. Olivia had no doubt she’d have a very good time with Jamie Donovan, but she’d be just one on a long list of women. She didn’t want to think what it would be like to watch as he walked away, taking his good time with him.

Whatever her intentions, it came as no surprise to her that when the phone rang, Olivia immediately thought of Jamie. More proof that she was already in over her head. She made herself walk slowly to the phone, then answered it without checking the ID, pretending she didn’t care who it was. “Olivia Bishop.”

“Oooolivia Bishop,” a friendly female voice crooned.

“Gwen?” she asked, just as she realized what was about to happen.

“So I talked to Marcie last night….”

“Oh, God.” Olivia put her hand to her eyes. Marcie was friends with one of Victor’s fellow professors.

“You naughty little witch,” Gwen drawled, obviously enjoying her secret. “You’re totally getting it on with Jamie Donovan. I don’t know whether to hate you or put you on a pedestal.”

“I am not getting it on with Jamie Donovan.”


Olivia smiled as she shook her head. “I’m not lying.”

“Look, I admire that you’re trying to protect his modesty. It’s cute.”

“Gwen,” Olivia said, laughing. “Okay, I admit that I went to the party with him, but that is all that happened.”

“That’s all?” Gwen squealed. “Where the heck did this come from? You met him once. One time!”

“I know—”

“And you said you were trying to ease back into the dating world. This is like shooting yourself out of a cannon.”

Olivia collapsed onto her bed, laughing so hard she couldn’t catch her breath.

“I need all the details,” Gwen said. “Please God, give me some details!”

“I’m sorry, Gwen, but I don’t have any!”

“Just any level of story then. Put me out of my misery.”

Olivia sighed. She wasn’t going to tell Gwen everything, but if she refused to speak it would look even worse. “Jamie asked me out, and I—”

“Now, hold on. Back it up, sister.”

This part wasn’t easy, and she wished she could get away with leaving it out entirely. Instead, she decided to fudge the details. “I saw him. On campus. He asked me out and I said no, but then I remembered the party….” Gwen squealed.

“We went to the party, and that was it. End of story.”

“Oh, not by a long shot. What was he like? Did you make out? Did you see Victor? Oh, my God, please tell me you saw Victor.”

“Jamie was nice. No, we didn’t make out, but we definitely saw Victor. More importantly, Victor saw us.”