“I’m great.”

“Are you still seeing your young man?”

Olivia nearly growled at him. “Why are you here, Victor?”

“Your mother called me.”

She almost dropped the book she was sliding back onto the bookshelf. “My mother? She’s on vacation.”

“I know, but she decided she couldn’t wait until she got back. You upset her.”

“Well, the sentiment was returned.” She was trying her best to sound bored, but she hated this. Whenever her mom called Victor it felt like a conspiracy against Olivia. A strategy to turn her into what they wanted. Probably because that’s exactly what it was. “Spit it out,” Olivia said. “What is she disappointed about now?”

“Not disappointed. Worried.”

She rolled her eyes as she slipped her laptop from the case and set it squarely on the desk pad. “Fine. Worried. Just get to the point.”

“She said you’re thinking of starting your own business.”

Olivia stiffened and had to bite back a snarl, but she met his gaze and let him see her anger. “I’m not thinking of it. I’m going to do it.”

His mouth quirked up in that familiar, pitying smile. “Olivia…”


The smile stayed but the edges of his eyes tightened. “You’re going to quit your job and risk everything on a fifteen-year-old dream?”

“I’m not a fool, Victor, whatever you might think.”

“Are you sure? Because it seems like you haven’t read the news in the past few years. This isn’t the time to start a business, O.”

“I asked you to stop calling me that a year ago.”

“Sorry.” He flashed a charming smile. “Force of habit.”

She clasped her hands together to help fight the temptation to slap him. He’d no doubt call the police and press charges for domestic violence…with, of course, an offer to drop all charges if she’d only be reasonable about a reunion. Still, it might be worth it, just to feel the hot sting of his skin under her palm. But it wouldn’t be worth losing her job.

“Seriously, Olivia, don’t do this. You’ll lose everything. Your mother is frantic.”

“I thought you wanted me to lose everything.”

“I told you I wasn’t the one who called. I don’t want you ruined, which is exactly what you’ll be if you chase after this dream.”

She sighed in exasperation. “Do you know nothing about me? I’m not going to throw everything at this like an idiot. I’m saving money. I’ll take on four classes in the fall.”

“If Lewis can give you four.”

“Regardless, this is a long-term goal. A really long-term goal, considering I gave it up for you.”

Victor put on his sympathetic face. “I know I asked a lot of you. I’ve been selfish.”

Well, this was a new admission. In the past, he’d only tried to convince her she’d been mistaken. Mistaken about his motives and his feelings and his actions.

“I’m going to do this, Victor, no matter what my mother wants. No matter what you think. I don’t need to be protected from myself.”

His head cocked, and he studied her, his lovely gray eyes warm with affection. She’d always loved his eyes. It hadn’t occurred to her until much too late that he knew their effect on women. They looked so damn sincere. “You really want this, don’t you?”

“Yes,” she said wearily. “I really do.”