“Jamie,” she whimpered, as pleasure grew close to pain for one endless moment.

“Yes,” he urged, his fingers digging in, adding to that pain until it all broke open with a wrenching shift that made her scream and scream until her voice turned to a rasp.

“Oh, God,” she panted. “Jamie. Oh, my God.”

“I can’t…” he groaned. “Olivia, I…”

Her eyes cleared just in time to see his grimace of awful pleasure, and then he was coming, his muscles pressing against his skin as he drove himself into her. Afterward, he held his body perfectly still, his grip easing by slow degrees. Olivia allowed her body to relax as she stared in stunned exhaustion at their reflections.

His eyes finally opened, and he watched her for a long while before his brow furrowed and he followed her gaze to the mirror. Their eyes locked and Jamie’s jaw dropped.

“Holy shit,” he breathed.

“Yeah,” she whispered. “I know.”

“How did you… What…?”

She raised her eyebrows.

He looked down at her body, then back at the mirror. “Why the hell didn’t you tell me there was a show?”

Olivia began to laugh. She shook so hard that Jamie finally let her go so she could sink into the mattress. Her sex felt cold without him.

“Okay, we have to do that again. Not fair, Olivia.”

“It looked like you had a pretty good view from where you were.”

Surprise flashed over his face, chased by a cute pink blush. “Yeah, you’re right.”

He grabbed a tissue to ease off the condom, then collapsed onto his back next to her. “I don’t give a damn about how much fun you are or aren’t,” he said. “Whatever you want to call it, you are fucking amazing.”

She poked him with her elbow. “Shut up.”

“I’m serious. That was… That was hot. For me, anyway.”

Olivia turned toward him, easing her knee up his thigh, pressing her body to his side. Jamie tucked his arm beneath her head and she settled tight against him. His messy hair called to be touched, so she ran her fingers through it, smoothing it until it sprang back into wild waves. “You’ve changed everything for me. I mean that.”

His eyes didn’t hold a hint of laughter when he met her gaze. She realized then that his green eyes almost always danced with amusement, but now they were dark and serious.

“I haven’t—” she started, then realized she’d been about to reveal too much. She didn’t expect this to last, and she didn’t want to scare him. “It’s been a long time,” she said instead. “And I wasn’t sure…”

He caught her hand and brought it to his mouth for a careful kiss. “It’s been a while for me, too,” he said softly.

“It has not,” she scoffed. “We’re working on completely different time frames.”

“I’m serious. I’m not that guy. Not really. Not now.”

“Jamie. I’ve seen you. You practically glow when you get near women.”

Keeping her hand tucked in his, he pressed her fingers to his chest. “I like women. I’m not denying that.”

She didn’t hold that against him. Oh, she felt a pure, hot coal of jealousy for everyone who’d experienced this pleasure with him, but she couldn’t resent it. Who would ever turn him away? Who could have that strength? “Well, I’m not as experienced as you,” she whispered. “And you’ve made this very easy. So, thank you.”

He shot her a suspicious look. “You’re not planning on giving me a plaque and sending me on my way, are you?”


“That sounded a little like a farewell speech.”