God, he was right. It was fun, and they were all alone in the dark. Surely they’d hear footsteps first if anyone came near. His fingers plucked at her nipple. His mouth sucked at her pulse. Everything inside her tightened.

She sighed his name and let her head fall back as his hand found her neckline and snuck beneath. The moment his bare skin rasped against her breast, Olivia was lost. She’d never done anything like this, but she wanted to. She wanted to climax right here, with only the darkness hiding her from the rest of the world.

But she’d forgotten that darkness was a faulty shield. And, more importantly, that bus stops were always located on streets. Even from behind closed eyelids, she caught the glow of light and opened her eyes. “Car!” she gasped, scrambling to get her foot back on the ground and untangle her fingers from Jamie’s hair.

He cursed and pulled his hand free of her dress just as the lights caught them head-on. Olivia held her breath and squeezed her eyes shut until the car whipped past and they were plunged back into darkness.

“I told you!” she cried.


She pushed him until his knee wasn’t wedged between her thighs. “Jamie!”

“Okay, sorry. You were right. I just…wanted to.”

In the face of that declaration, she could hardly muster the will to be outraged. “Let me be clear. I only want to have the kind of fun that won’t get me arrested.”

“You sure? That’d be a pretty wild experience.”

She shoved him again, but he just chuckled and leaned in for one last kiss. She kept her lips tight together to prevent another disaster.

“All right,” he sighed. “Even I’m not up for seeing the inside of a jail cell. And at this point, I’m not entirely sure my family would bail me out. Maybe we should head home.”

“Maybe!” she said, but she couldn’t hide her grin as they set out toward her place. “You’re crazy, you know that?”

“Nah. I’m just horny. I don’t know what your excuse is, though.”

“Wine,” she said dryly, as if she weren’t still painfully aroused. As if she hadn’t spent every waking hour looking forward to having him again. Her palm tingled when he took her hand and wove his fingers through hers.

“So, tell me what you used to do for fun.”

Olivia frowned. “That’s a silly question. I already told you I wasn’t fun.”

“I don’t believe that. You’re a natural.”

“No, I’m not. For fun, I…I run. And I read. I go to museums.”

“Whoa!” Jamie said. “You sprang that one on me too fast.”

She elbowed him with as much dignity as she could manage.

“What I meant was…tell me what you did for fun when you were younger. Before Victor. Even you were a teenager once. You must have done something for fun. Music. Parties. Boys.”

Boys. Olivia cleared her throat, because it was clogged with the secret that there hadn’t been any boys. Not really. But he’d touched on something important. She had had a life before Victor, even if it had been a rather innocent one. “I used to Rollerblade. I liked country music. I played softball until I was fourteen. And…I loved amusement parks.”

He looked at her.

“Roller coasters,” she clarified.

“Roller coasters? Really?”


“Well,” he said. “All right then. I think we know what our next assignment is going to be. Are you free on Sunday?”

“Why?” she asked warily.

“Because I don’t have another full day off until then, and we can’t do Elitch Gardens in two hours.”