“I like to—”

“Sleeping late. Getting drunk under the stars. Skinny-dipping. Going to a strip club—”

“A strip club?” she yelped.

He winked. “And maybe we could work in a little can’t-wait-for-it, gotta-have-it sex against the bathroom wall while we’re at it. Assuming you’d consider that fun.”

“I think…” Her face still burned. Her throat turned on itself until she couldn’t believe she could still draw breath. This wasn’t normal. This wasn’t how people went about things, not even older divorcées and younger men. Maybe she should be insulted that he wanted her to bargain for time in his bed. Or against his wall.

On the other hand, it made things easier, didn’t it? No worries that it was something special. Something deep. They were just…scratching each other’s backs. Exchanging services.

Now that she thought about it, maybe this was how it was done. Maybe she was a sugar mama, albeit a rather poor one.

Isn’t that how older men did it? Men like Victor offered guidance, stability, a wise hand along the way. Younger women offered tight bodies and simple needs.

“Well?” Jamie prompted, setting his glass on the table and sitting up straight. He looked right into her eyes, not the least bit embarrassed. How did he do that?

Olivia forced herself to sit straight, too. She’d wanted him anyway, hadn’t she? “All right,” she said, surprised at the conviction in her own voice. “You’ve got a deal. But I want my first lesson today.”


“I DIDN’T BRING a swimsuit,” she said, confused despite her earlier bold declaration.

Jamie tried to look serious, shaking his head as he slipped the last of the dishes into the sink. “Haven’t you listened to anything I said?”

He could almost see her reviewing his list of fun. In fact, her lips moved as she repeated it to herself. Her eyes widened. “But today…I thought we’d…”

“What?” he asked, pretending he didn’t know what she meant.

She stammered, her face pinkening again.

“Take it slow?” he prompted, letting her off the hook. But he knew exactly what she’d meant. She thought they’d just have sex, and apparently she welcomed it. Jamie’s blood pumped faster, filling his veins until his body felt tight.

She leapt on his words and nodded enthusiastically. “Yes. Take it slow.”

“But I’m trying to teach you how to jump in feetfirst. Starting with the hot tub.”

Her eyes slid toward the back door as she piled silverware in the sink. “But…people will see us.”

“Nope. The trellis keeps it private.”

“But…the walk…”

“I have towels, Olivia. Big, fluffy ones.”

She swallowed and stared hard at the bright rectangle of sunlight spilling onto the kitchen floor. “All right,” she said, looking terrified.

“Hey.” He walked over and nudged her chin up. “I’m teasing. Maybe we could go for staying up late as a first step.”

She met his gaze, and there was that vulnerability again. Jamie felt his heart turn. But then her jaw hardened. “No. You’re right. I’m not the expert here, am I? I should trust you.”

Her skin felt like silk when he traced the line of her chin. “It’s just a hot tub,” he said, because he’d be damned if he’d make her feel she was agreeing to anything else at this point. He wasn’t going to shame her into sex. “Just a swim. That’s all.”

“Right,” she said. “Just a hot tub.”

“I’ll leave a towel in the bedroom for you.”

He walked away casually, trying not to let her know how much he was anticipating this. If she thought he lounged naked in his hot tub with a different girl every Sunday, then so be it. He stuffed a couple of condoms into his pocket, slung a towel around his neck and laid one on the bed for Olivia. Then he walked right past her, grabbing the champagne glasses as he passed.